ROG-Map: An Efficient Robocentric Occupancy Grid Map for Large-scene and High-resolution LiDAR-based Motion Planning
title={ROG-Map: An Efficient Robocentric Occupancy Grid Map for Large-scene and High-resolution LiDAR-based Motion Planning},
author={Yunfan Ren and Yixi Cai and Fangcheng Zhu and Siqi Liang and Fu Zhang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.14819},
Click for the video demo.
The ROG-Map is an occupancy grid map (OGM), and all methods based on OGM can be seamlessly implemented on ROG-Map, including:
- A* path search.
- Flight corridor generation.
- Frontier generation for autonomous exploration.
- Point collision check and line segment collision check.
- Box search.
- ...
We will provide numerous examples to help you apply ROG-Map to your own projects.
- Using a zero-copy map sliding strategy, ROG-Map maintains only a local map near the robot, enabling it to handle large-scale scene missions in unbounded environments.
- A novel incremental inflation method significantly decreases the computation time of obstacle inflation.
When the code is released, you can test it with
Run with FAST-LIO: A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
- Building a robocentric occupancy grid map directly using FAST-LIO as input.
Run with MARSIM
- With MARSIM, you can test your own motion planning algorithms based on ROG-Map.
Our paper is currently under review, and the code of ROG-Map will be released as our work is accepted.