This is the project repo for the final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. A system integration project the involves taking multiple ROS nodes and creating a complete system and working as a team. This project utilizes waypoint following and traffic light detection to navigate environments. One of these environments being the Udacity Self-Driving Car in it's own test lot.
There are a few frameworks/libraries used:
- ROS - provides scaffolding and messaging middleware for integration
- Tensorflow - Deep learning framework for running machine learning model
- Keras - High level machine learning library using
as the backend - Autoware Waypoint Follower
- Dataspeed DBW - controls actuation on the car
Our approach was to treat this as a classification problem. Are there red lights in the RGB capture or not. However, we decided not to use binary classification, we used 4 classes to allow other sub-systems to make more intelligent decisions.
- Red Light
- Yellow Light
- Green Light
- Unknown
We fine-tuned MobileNet
to our dataset pulled from the Keras Applications
providing our own top.
To prevent over-fitting we used image flipping and L2 bias regularization.
The provided web-socket bridge did not work very well when the camera was on. When converting the
base64 image into a cv2 image it caused some blocking in the event handler. This processing was moved
and processed in a ROS
node. However, on powerful systems this may not cause a problem.
The future waypoints were published with desired speed which included when we had to stop when a red light
is detected. The Autoware
follower had to be updated to always update to keep the car from diverging
from the line.
- Thomas Milas - [email protected]
- Yunying-Chen - [email protected]
- Tianzhi Yang - [email protected]