Tags: yangyangnuc/LandMark
Feature: --app: 1. Add optimizer checkpoint and training resumption support. 2. Add better tensorboard support. 3. Add nerf distortion loss. 4. Support multi-focal in city dataloader. --dist_render: 1. Support dynamic fetching, a strategy to prefetch and offload parameters for limited GPU memory, to support infinite rendering area. Bugfix: 1. Fix augments shadow copy bug 2. Delete deprecated dataloader in dist_render 3. Refactor the import way in different modules
Feature: 1.Support GridNeRF Hybrid Parallel Traning with Model Parallel and DDP Training. 2.Support MatrixCity Datasets. 3.Support Real-time Distributed Rendering System. Bugfix: 1.Fix data splitting bug in colmap2nerf.py. 2.Fix the description of N_vis parameter does not match the actual function. 3.Testview and trainview are distinguished in drone dataloader. 4.Add the xml processing code.