Implement loop summarization 1 on FuzzBALL, a symbolic execution tool for X86 binary code.
FuzzBALL is a symbolic execution tool for x86 (and a little ARM) binary code, based on the BitBlaze Vine library. (The name comes from the phrase "FUZZing Binaries with A Little Language", where "fuzzing" is a common application of symbolic execution to bug-finding, and the "little language" refers to the Vine intermediate language that FuzzBALL uses for execution. Also "fuzzball" is a common nickname for a small kitten, and FuzzBALL was intended to be simpler and lighter-weight than some other symbolic execution tools.)
At a high level, there are two kinds of code you can run FuzzBALL on. First, there is any code that can execute stand-alone, without the services of an OS or special hardware devices; this can include a subset of code from a larger program that does need those things. Second, there are single-threaded Linux programs, which FuzzBALL can run by passing their system calls onto your real OS.
FuzzBALL is free software distributed under the GNU GPL: see the files LICENSE and COPYING for details.
Compilation instructions are in the file INSTALL.
The README file includes some more detailed description of FuzzBALL and some tutorial-style examples.
FuzzBALL's page on the Berkeley web site, at
has links to some papers that build on FuzzBALL.
We are interested in your comments, questions, and feedback about FuzzBALL via the bitblaze-users mailing list (hosted by Google Groups):
Currently we cannot compile bytecode FuzzBALL because recent change in OCaml break it. As a workaround, we turn off warning errors. Note that for now we still need to rerun the last command with additional option added. See commit 3bbe3a5 for more details.
../../exec_utils/fuzzball -use-loopsum -trace-loop -trace-decisions -trace-iterations \
-trace-conditions -trace-loopsum -fuzz-start-addr 0x8048553 -fuzz-end-addr 0x5006f63a \
-solver smtlib -solver-path ../../../lib/z3/build/z3 \
-linux-syscalls -skip-call-ret-symbol 0x8048598=n -trace-stopping \
input-dependent -- ./input-dependent 0
# -fuzz-start-addr the first instruction of main()
# -fuzz-end-addr the 2nd instruction after returning from main(), we
# identify this instruction by tracing instruction in
# FuzzBALL (-trace-insns)
# -skip-call-ret-symbol The eip of an atoi that transform string format input
# to an integer.
FuzzBALL writes the decision tree in dot format when it stops. The dot file is stored at /tmp/bdt_graph by default. You can convert the file to pdf by running the command bellow.
dot -Tpdf /tmp/bdt_graph -o /tmp/bdt.pdf
- -check-for-ret-addr-overwrite doesn't work in example/loopsum/ret-addr-overwrite
[1] Patrice Godefroid and Daniel Luchaup. Automatic partial loop summarization in dynamic test generation. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA ’11, pages 23–33, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM.