The File Hiding System with Secure Access and User Management is a Java-based project designed to empower users with a secure and efficient way to safeguard their files. This project emphasizes privacy and data security by allowing users to hide files in a MySQL database while implementing multi-factor authentication through email OTP verification.
Key Features:
File Hiding and Retrieval: Users can select files from their local system and hide them securely within a centralized MySQL database. Files are encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
User Authentication and Management: The project supports multiple users, each with their accounts. Robust user authentication ensures that only authorized users can access their hidden files.
Email OTP Verification: During signup and login, users receive OTPs via email for verification. This two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to the system.
User-Friendly Interface: The project's intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate through the signup, login, and file management processes.
Efficient Data Management: Java and MySQL integration ensures efficient data storage and retrieval, providing a seamless user experience.
Signup: New users can sign up using their email IDs. An email containing an OTP will be sent to verify the user's identity.
Login: Users can log in with their verified email and correct OTP.
File Hiding: Select files from your local system and hide them within the system's database. Files are encrypted before storage.
File Retrieval: Access your hidden files and retrieve them whenever needed. Decryption ensures files are presented in their original format.
Profile Management: Update your profile details, change passwords, and manage hidden files from the user dashboard.