This application is on 4 google play store. Each version are graphically different, but the features are the same
The first Google Play Account is target All Word User, i use a wallpaper with differents kind of themes
My Second Google Play Account is target Nord Africa and middle east user, i use a wallpaper with arabic themes
I have other application in other account with different theme (cars, wallpaper, ect)
- One Big wallpaper app
- Mini wallpapers apps (Module name start with mini-app-)
- 3D Wallpapers (With Rajawali libs)
- 2D Wallpapers
- Written in Kotlin (Converting old java class in progress)
- Uses Hilt for dependency injection
- Architecture Components: Room Lifecycle, Navigation
- Uses Kotlin Coroutines.
- Compose migration in Feature/compose branch
- First Play Store version -> 2013
- Ui -> JetPack Compose
- Java -> Kotlin (2019)
- MVC -> MVP -> MVVM (2019)
- Dagger -> Hilt (2021)
- AsyncTask -> RXJava -> Coroutines (2021)
- Jenkins -> Github Action (2021)
- ADS -> 200k $ (2014)
- Eclipse -> Android Studio (2014)
Require the latest Android Studio 4.2 Canary to be able to build the app.
This project uses ktlint, provided via the spotless gradle plugin ./gradlew spotlessApply
Create file if not exist and the two line
API_KEY="My Server Api Key"
API_KEY_PIXA_BAY="Pixa Bay Api Key"
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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