SUTD 50.039 Theory and Practice of Deep Learning Coursework. For more information, refer to
Using sklearn Support Vector Classification (SVC) to implement a linear SVM. The dataset used is imageclef2011.
Part 1 (Broadcasting) - Comparing time measurements using double for-loops, numpy broadcasting and pytorch cpu
Part 2 (k-means) - Creating a pytorch k-means algorithm
3. HW3 [Code] - Part 1 (SGD for logistic regression in Pytorch), Part 2 (Fully connected neural net in Pytorch)
Part 1 - Implement SGD for logistic regression using a self generated dataset.
Part 2 - Implement a fully connected neural network (FCNN) using the FashionMNIST dataset.
Part 1 (Data Augmentation) - center crop testing, 5-crop testing, varying input size
Part 2 (Finetuning neural network) - Finetuning a neural network using the 102-multiclass flower dataset available for download at
(a) training all layers with no pretrained weights
(b) training all layers with pretrained weights
(c) training only last two layers with pretrained weights
Using RNNs (LSTM/GRU) to predict the language of names