Assignments 1-14,16-17 for a C++ course I took in high school in the year 2008. Mr. Simon taught the course.
Compile the .cpp files with a C++ compiler.
- Asignment 1 - Hello World.
- Asignment 2 - Calculator.
- Asignment 3 - Calculator with 5 operations.
- Asignment 4 - Peas in a pod. Calculate peas in multiple pods.
- Asignment 5 - Convert km into mi. Use a constant to convert distance.
- Asignment 6 - Convert F into C. Usa a constant to convert temperature.
- Asignment 7 - Buses and Taxis. How many vehicles are needed for a given number of people?
- Asignment 8 - 8.1+8.2: Draw circles using the winbgim C++ library.
- Asignment 9 - 9.1: Draw Lines. 9.2: Draw Lines and Circles.
- Asignment 10 - Etch A Sketch using the winbgim C++ library.
- Asignment 11 - Tron game.
- Asignment 12 - Snack shop cashier with receipt.
- Asignment 13 - Magic 8-ball
- Asignment 14 - Palindrome checker.
- Asignment 15 - [N/A]
- Asignment 16 - Pong V1
- Asignment 17 - Pong V2
- Circles - Test drawing circles with winbgim
An OS capable of running .exe files is required to run the .exe file. Try Dev-C++ if not using a CLI C++ compiler.
Compile the .cpp program first, then run it using the .exe file.
- Dev-C++ - The IDE and compiler used.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Big thanks to Mr. Simon for teaching C++ in high school.