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🌊 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo
Image editing, doodling on the picture, customized brushes, image pixelation,涂鸦,马赛克
Date Range Picker is a Calendar Picker View to show a Customized Date Range Picker with improved UI and functionality to add subtitles to the dates
Android MVVM基础框架(UI),是BaseProject项目的子集,极致解耦视图层(ViewDelegate)风格
【Android 音视频开发打怪升级】系列文章示例代码(A demo to introduce how to develop android video)。本项目将从MediaCodec硬解,FFmpeg软解,OpenGL等方面,全方位讲解如何在Android上进行音视频编辑开发。
GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly.
A frida tool to dump dex in memory to support security engineers analyzing malware.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
难得一见 Jetpack MVVM 最佳实践!在 "以简驭繁" 代码中,对 "视图控制器" 乃至 "标准化开发模式" 形成正确、深入理解!
Clean Code Collection books-写代码的艺术--但是也不能死读书,照搬理论实践
🎹A simple & beautiful & fast theme for Hexo.
A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
Show activity tasks, and lifecycles of activities, fragments in you app.【实时显示你的App中的当前全部Activity栈、Activity和Fragment】
Simple, cool virtual desktop tool for windows 10 | 11
Ocean is a mobile-enabled Hexo theme based on the features in Hexo's default theme landscape.