This project is a Redis module that implements a graph database. Nodes in the graph represent entities such as persons or places, and connections such as 'visit' are made between the different entities.
Entities may have multiple attributes, so Redis Hashes are optimal for storing them and a node in the graph is a Hash in the entity's key. For example, suppose we had a person entity representing Barack Obama. That entity's key in Redis would be "Barack Obama", and two of its fields could be "age" (55) and "profession" (ex-president). We could also have another entity under the key "Hawaii" with an attribute "population" (1442949).
Finally we could construct a simple graph by connecting Barak Obama with an edge representing the relation "born" with Hawaii.
This is one of the key ideas behind this project; a node in the graph is simply a reference to an entity stored as Redis Hash.
This module introduce four new commands
Arguments: Graph name, source node, relationship, destination node
Creats a connection within the given graph between source node and destination node using relation.
GRAPH.ADDEDGE presidents "Barak Obama" born Hawaii
Arguments: Graph name, source node, relationship, destination node
Removes edge connecting source to destination.
GRAPH.REMOVEEDGE presidents "Richard Nixon" born California
Arguments: Graph name
Deletes the entire graph
GRAPH.DELETE presidents
Arguments: Graph name, Query
Execute the given query against specified graph
GRAPH.QUERY presidents "MATCH (president)-[born]->(state:Hawaii) RETURN, president.age"
The syntax is based on neo4j's Cypher and currently only a subset of the language is supported.
A query is composed of five parts:
Describes the relationship between queried entities, it is composed of three parts:
- Source node (S)
- Relationship [R]
- Destination node (D)
Combining the three together
Each node can contain an alias and an entity ID, but nodes can be left empty if needed.
Node structure: (alias:id)
alias and id are both optional.
(actor)-[act]->(movie:"straight outta compton")
is an alias for the source node which we'll be able to refer to at different places within our query,
is the relationship
As such we're interested in entities which have the relation "act" with the entity "straight outta compton"
It is possible to describe broder relationships by composing a multi hop query as such:
Here we're interesed to find out who are my friends friends.
Nodes can have more than one edge coming in or out of them, for instance:
Here we're interested in knowing which of my friends have visited at least one country I've been to.
This clause is not mandatory, but in order to filter results you can define prediactes of two kinds:
Compare against constant value: operation value
is a primitive type (int, float, string and boolean) -
Compare between nodes properties: operation
Supported operations:
Predicates can be combided using AND / OR, wrap predicates within parentheses to control precedence.
WHERE ( = "john doe" OR movie.rating > 8.8) AND movie.votes <=250)
WHERE actor.age >= director.age AND actor.age > 32
In its simple form Return defines which properties the returned result-set will contain,
its structure is a list of
seperated by comma, for convenience it's possible to specify
only alias. e.g.
RETURN movie.title, actor
Use the DISTINCT keyword to remove duplications within the result-set
In the above example, suppose we have two friends Joe and Miesha and both know Dominick then DISTINCT will make sure Dominick will only appear once in the final result-set.
Return can also be used to aggregate data similar to SQL group by, once an aggregation function is added to the return list all other none aggregated values are considered as group keys, for example:
RETURN movie.title, MAX(actor.age), MIN(actor.age)
Here we group data by movie title and foreach movie we find its youngest and oldest actor age.
Supported aggregation functions:
Specifies that the output should be sorted and how.
You can order by multiple properties by stating each variable in the ORDER BY clause. the result will be sorted by the first variable listed, and for equals values, go to the next property in the ORDER BY clause, and so on.
Below we sort our friends by height, for similar heights, weight is used to break even.
ORDER BY friend.height, friend.weight DESC
Although not mandatory, but in order to limit the number of records returned by a query use the limit clause as such
LIMIT <max records to return>
If not specified there's no limit to the number of records returned by a query.
To build the module, from root folder run:
cmake . && make all
Loading module into redis:
# Assuming you have a redis build from the unstable branch:
/path/to/redis-server --loadmodule <PATH_TO_RedisGraph>/src/
For more examples please see Demo