Swift Service Lifecycle provides a basic mechanism to cleanly start up and shut down the application, freeing resources in order before exiting.
It also provides a Signal
-based shutdown hook, to shut down on signals like TERM
or INT
Swift Service Lifecycle was designed with the idea that every application has some startup and shutdown workflow-like-logic which is often sensitive to failure and hard to get right. The library codes this common need in a safe and reusable way that is non-framework specific, and designed to be integrated with any server framework or directly in an application.
This is the beginning of a community-driven open-source project actively seeking contributions, be it code, documentation, or ideas. What Swift Service Lifecycle provides today is covered in the API docs, but it will continue to evolve with community input.
If you have a server-side Swift application or a cross-platform (e.g. Linux, macOS) application, and you would like to manage its startup and shutdown lifecycle, Swift Service Lifecycle is a great idea. Below you will find all you need to know to get started.
To add a dependency on the package, declare it in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/swift-server/swift-service-lifecycle.git", from: "1.0.0-alpha"),
and to your application target, add Lifecycle
to your dependencies:
.target(name: "MyApplication", dependencies: [.product(name: "Lifecycle", package: "swift-service-lifecycle")]),
// import the package
import Lifecycle
// initialize the lifecycle container
let lifecycle = ServiceLifecycle()
// register a resource that should be shut down when the application exits.
// in this case, we are registering a SwiftNIO `EventLoopGroup`
// and passing its `syncShutdownGracefully` function to be called on shutdown
let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
label: "eventLoopGroup",
// register another resource that should be started when the application starts
// and shut down when the application exits.
// in this case, we are registering a contrived `DatabaseMigrator`
// and passing its `migrate` function to be called on startup
// and `shutdown` function to be called on shutdown
let migrator = DatabaseMigrator()
label: "migrator",
start: .async(migrator.migrate),
shutdown: .async(migrator.shutdown)
// start the application
// start handlers passed using the `register` function
// will be called in the order they were registered in
lifecycle.start { error in
// start completion handler.
// if a startup error occurred you can capture it here
if let error = error {
logger.error("failed starting \(self) β οΈ: \(error)")
} else {
logger.info("\(self) started successfully π")
// wait for the application to exit
// this is a blocking operation that typically waits for a signal
// the signal can be configured at `lifecycle.start`, and defaults to `INT` and `TERM`
// shutdown handlers passed using the `register` or `registerShutdown` functions
// will be called in the reverse order they were registered in
The main types in the library are ServiceLifecycle
and ComponentLifecycle
is the most commonly used type.
It is designed to manage the top-level Application (Service) lifecycle,
and in addition to managing the startup and shutdown flows it can also set up Signal
trap for shutdown and install backtraces.
manages a state machine representing the startup and shutdown logic flow.
In larger Applications (Services) ComponentLifecycle
can be used to manage the lifecycle of subsystems, such that ServiceLifecycle
can start and shutdown ComponentLifecycle
and ComponentLifecycle
are containers for LifecycleTask
s which need to be registered using a LifecycleHandler
- a container for synchronous or asynchronous closures.
Synchronous handlers are defined as () throws -> Void
Asynchronous handlers defined are as (@escaping (Error?) -> Void) -> Void
comes with static helpers named async
and sync
designed to help simplify the registration call to:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
start: .sync(foo.syncStart),
shutdown: .sync(foo.syncShutdown)
Or the async version:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
start: .async(foo.asyncStart),
shutdown: .async(foo.asyncShutdown)
or, just shutdown:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
Or the async version:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
you can also register a collection of LifecycleTask
s (less typical) using:
func register(_ tasks: [LifecycleTask])
func register(_ tasks: LifecycleTask...)
initializer takes optional ServiceLifecycle.Configuration
to further refine the ServiceLifecycle
: Defines theLogger
to work with. By default,Logger(label: "Lifecycle")
is used. -
: Defines theDispatchQueue
on which startup and shutdown handlers are executed. By default,DispatchQueue.global
is used. -
: Defines what, if any, signals to trap for invoking shutdown. By default,INT
are trapped. -
: Defines if to install a crash signal trap that prints backtraces. This is especially useful for applications running on Linux since Swift does not provide backtraces on Linux out of the box. This functionality is provided via the Swift Backtrace library.
Use the start
function to start the application.
Start handlers passed using the register
function will be called in the order the items were registered in.
is an asynchronous operation.
If a startup error occurred, it will be logged and the startup sequence will halt on the first error, and bubble it up to the provided completion handler.
lifecycle.start { error in
if let error = error {
logger.error("failed starting \(self) β οΈ: \(error)")
} else {
logger.info("\(self) started successfully π")
The typical use of the library is to call on wait
after calling start
lifecycle.start { error in
lifecycle.wait() // <-- blocks the thread
If you are not interested in handling start completion, there is also a convenience method:
lifecycle.startAndWait() // <-- blocks the thread
Both wait
and startAndWait
are blocking operations that wait for the lifecycle library to finish the shutdown sequence.
The shutdown sequence is typically triggered by the shutdownSignal
defined in the configuration. By default, INT
and TERM
are trapped.
During shutdown, the shutdown handlers passed using the register
or registerShutdown
functions are called in the reverse order of the registration. E.g.
lifecycle.register("1", ...)
lifecycle.register("2", ...)
lifecycle.register("3", ...)
startup order will be 1, 2, 3 and shutdown order will be 3, 2, 1.
If a shutdown error occurred, it will be logged and the shutdown sequence will continue to the next item, and attempt to shut it down until all registered items that have been started are shut down.
In more complex cases, when Signal
-trapping-based shutdown is not appropriate, you may pass nil
as the shutdownSignal
configuration, and call shutdown
manually when appropriate. This is designed to be a rarely used pressure valve.
is an asynchronous operation. Errors will be logged and bubbled up to the provided completion handler.
In some cases it is useful to have the Start handlers return a state that can be passed on to the Shutdown handlers for shutdown. For example, when establishing some sort of a connection that needs to be closed at shutdown.
struct Foo {
func start() throws -> Connection {
return ...
func shutdown(state: Connection) throws {
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
start: .sync(foo.start),
shutdown: .sync(foo.shutdown)
In larger Applications (Services) ComponentLifecycle
can be used to manage the lifecycle of subsystems, such that ServiceLifecycle
can start and shutdown ComponentLifecycle
In fact, since ComponentLifecycle
conforms to LifecycleTask
it can start and stop other ComponentLifecycle
s, forming a tree. E.g.:
struct SubSystem {
let lifecycle = ComponentLifecycle(label: "SubSystem")
let subsystem: SubSubSystem
init() {
self.subsystem = SubSubSystem()
struct SubSubSystem {
let lifecycle = ComponentLifecycle(label: "SubSubSystem")
init() {
let lifecycle = ServiceLifecycle()
let subsystem = SubSystem()
lifecycle.start { error in
SwiftNIO is a popular networking library that among other things provides Future abstraction named EventLoopFuture
Swift Service Lifecycle comes with a compatibility module designed to make managing SwiftNIO based resources easy.
Once you import LifecycleNIOCompat
module, LifecycleHandler
gains a static helper named eventLoopFuture
designed to help simplify the registration call to:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
start: .eventLoopFuture(foo.start),
shutdown: .eventLoopFuture(foo.shutdown)
or, just shutdown:
let foo = ...
label: "foo",
Do not hesitate to get in touch as well, over on https://forums.swift.org/c/server.
Please see SECURITY.md for details on the security process.