The official implementation of LumiNet: The Bright Side of Perceptual Knowledge Distillation
Implementation of "Weight Averaging Improves Knowledge Distillation under Domain Shift" (ICCV 2023 OOD-CV Workshop)
PyTorch code and checkpoints release for OFA-KD:
Awesome machine learning model compression research papers, quantization, tools, and learning material.
Awesome Knowledge Distillation
A simple tool that can generate TensorRT plugin code quickly.
[EVA ICLR'23; LARA ICML'22] Efficient attention mechanisms via control variates, random features, and importance sampling
yingunjun / DirectML
Forked from microsoft/DirectMLDirectML is a high-performance, hardware-accelerated DirectX 12 library for machine learning. DirectML provides GPU acceleration for common machine learning tasks across a broad range of supported …
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
C++ streams for zlib compression, aes encryption and byte serialization
EfficientNetv2 TensorRT int8
Reference models and tools for Cloud TPUs.
Detectron2 is a platform for object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
Cell segmentation program written in C++
nucleus/cell and histopathology image classification,detection,segmentation
Implementation of popular deep learning networks with TensorRT network definition API
Use 59(Uniform LBP) * 68(Facial Landmark) vector in SVM
Image Segmentation using Texture and Color features in C++
Texture Matching using Local Binary Patterns (LBP)
Texture descriptors based on the co-occurence matrix in opencv
Texture based classification using GLCM and OpenCV
Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
TensorRT inference sample for ResNet50
herryliq / yolact
Forked from simutisernestas/yolactYOLACT execution with TensorRT
PyTorch 官方中文教程包含 60 分钟快速入门教程,强化教程,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,生成对抗网络,强化学习。欢迎 Star,Fork!
simutisernestas / yolact
Forked from dbolya/yolactYOLACT execution with TensorRT