(WACV'24) MICS: Midpoint Interpolation to Learn Compact and Separated Representations for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
code of RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
formulate diet optimization as sequence generation that produces a diet of recommended intake
SPHARM-Net: Spherical Harmonics-based Convolutional Neural Network
Implementation of Robust Imitation Learning against Variations in Environment Dynamics
Carousel Memory: Rethinking the Design of Episodic Memory for Continual Learning
Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation via Inverse Kinematics and Refinement
Official Pytorch Implementation for "Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation" (CVPR 2023, CVPRW 2022 Best paper)
Official repository for LANIT: Language-Driven Image-to-Image Translation for Unlabeled Data (CVPR 2023)
Diffusion-Based Signed Distance Fields for 3D Shape Generation (CVPR 2023)
Official repository for SlaBins: Fisheye Depth Estimation using Slanted Bins on Road Environments (ICCV 2023)
Domain generalization method code based on DomainBed
[SenSys 2023] On-NAS: On-Device Neural Architecture Search on Memory-Constrained Intelligent Embedded Systems
[NeurIPS 2023] Softmax Output Approximation for Activation Memory-Efficient Training of Attention-based Networks
Conversation Chronicles: Towards Diverse Temporal and Relational Dynamics in Multi-Session Conversations
NeurIPS 2023 - TopP&R: Robust Support Estimation Approach for Evaluating Fidelity and Diversity in Generative Models Official Code
Can We Find Strong Lottery Tickets in Generative Models? - Official Code (Pytorch)
BoIR: Box-Supervised Instance Representation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
A repository of a paper named "Can We Use Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Motion Prediction?", accepted to ICRA 2023.