🚀 Welcome to AuthJS Nuxt! This is an edge compatible experimental Nuxt module currently in its alpha stage. This module uses the Auth.js core implementation under the hood. You can find the documentation here (WIP). Contributions are welcome !
🧪 This module like Auth.js, is still in developement.
Why not use use Sidebase Nuxt-Auth?
- Because it's based on Next-Auth and not Auth.js.
- Because it's not edge compatible. This module is.
Why not use Auth.js directly?
- You can. However, Auth.js is currently being rewritten from Next-Auth, and wiring everything with Nuxt for the edge isn't straightforward. This gives you a good starting point and a reference implementation.
Why should I use this package? I'd rather build my own auth!
- Auth.js gives you a good starting point, and has plenty of adapters and database drivers, and so does this package.
- If you want to DIY even more, You can use something like Lucia.
- It's based on Auth.js
- It works everywhere (tested on the edge)
- It's lightweight
- It's Nuxt
Install @hebilicious/authjs-nuxt
and auth.js @auth/core
from npm :
npm i @hebilicious/authjs-nuxt @auth/core
pnpm i @hebilicious/authjs-nuxt @auth/core
yarn add @hebilicious/authjs-nuxt @auth/core
Create a catch-all route at server/api/auth/[...].ts
import GithubProvider from "@auth/core/providers/github"
import type { AuthConfig } from "@auth/core/types"
import { NuxtAuthHandler } from "#auth"
// The #auth virtual import comes from this module. You can use it on the client
// and server side, however not every export is universal. For example do not
// use sign-in and sign-out on the server side.
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig()
// Refer to Auth.js docs for more details
export const authOptions: AuthConfig = {
secret: runtimeConfig.authJs.secret,
providers: [
clientId: runtimeConfig.github.clientId,
clientSecret: runtimeConfig.github.clientSecret
export default NuxtAuthHandler(authOptions, runtimeConfig)
// If you don't want to pass the full runtime config,
// you can pass something like this: { public: { authJs: { baseUrl: "" } } }
This is an example for GitHub
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ["@hebilicious/authjs-nuxt"],
// Optional default config
// authJs: {
// verifyClientOnEveryRequest: true,
// guestRedirectTo: "/",
// baseUrl: ""
// },
runtimeConfig: {
authJs: {
secret: process.env.NUXT_NEXTAUTH_SECRET // You can generate one with `openssl rand -base64 32`
github: {
clientId: process.env.NUXT_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.NUXT_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET
public: {
authJs: {
baseUrl: process.env.NUXT_NEXTAUTH_URL, // The base URL is used for the Origin Check in prod only
verifyClientOnEveryRequest: true // whether to hit the /auth/session endpoint on every client request
Note that you can use whatever environment variables you want here, this is just an example.
You might run into imports errors for cookie or for the @auth/core internals. Add these aliases if you are running into import errors
import { resolve } from "node:path"
export default defineNuxtConfig({
alias: {
"cookie": resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/cookie"),
"jose": resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/jose/dist/browser/index.js"),
"@panva/hkdf": resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/@panva/hkdf/dist/web/index.js")
Use the useAuth
helper to handle your authentication.
<script setup lang="ts">
const { signIn, signOut, session, status, cookies } = useAuth()
<a href="/api/auth/signin" class="buttonPrimary">Native Link Sign in</a>
<button @click="signIn(`github`)">
JS Sign In
<button @click="signOut()">
Sign Out
<pre>{{ status }}</pre>
<pre>{{ session?.user }}</pre>
<pre>{{ cookies }}</pre>
Use middlewares to protect your pages.
definePageMeta({ auth: true })
There's 2 middlewares availables :
definePageMeta({ middleware: "auth" })
definePageMeta({ middleware: "client-auth" }) // will run globally with `verifyClientOnEveryRequest: true`
However you do not need to call them manually. You can use definePageMeta({ auth: true })
and verifyClientOnEveryRequest: true
Yo can use client-auth
manually if you disable verifyClientOnEveryRequest
in the config.
If you need the session or the JWT on your api handlers, use the following methods :
import { authOptions } from "./auth/[...]"
import { getServerSession, getServerToken } from "#auth"
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const session = await getServerSession(event, authOptions)
const jwt = await getServerToken(event, authOptions)
return { session, jwt }
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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