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Kbeznak Parmatonic

What is kbeznak parmatonic?

Kbeznak Parmatonic is a meaningless word created by Dr. James Caverlee of CSE Dept at Texas A&M.

But now you may ask why using a meaningless word? Actually it is intended to be created as meaningless and no use so that students in the course CSCE 670 can customize the search results of it in Google and compete with their website ranking, this is also referred to as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) contest.

Stats: As of when the homework is first posted, there is 0 result in searching the key word Kbeznak Parmatonic in Google or Bing, but now one day before the homework deadline, we created about 100 pages and over 50 of them have been indexed by Google

We also refer users to here and Guanlun's blog for more info.

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Key Factors that influences website ranking

  1. On-page factors
  • Keywords Include any keywords you aim for ranking on your website, positions to put keywords so that they are well recognized by Google includes but not limited to: title tags, H1 tags and meta descriptions Also be noticed it's not always good to include keywords again and again anywhere throughout the web page, this might negatively influence that final ranking results as their weights might be cut significantly due to the repeative occurences. Another useful point is that the placement and relevancy are much more important than the keyword frequency, keywords should better appear in the thesis statement of your page, i.e., the first sentence or the first 100 words. Footers and sidebars are the least to consider by search engines usually. Keywords in your domain url can improve the SEO results also.
  1. Content
  • Quality content Content should be natural, i.e., contents should be formatted and aimed for human reading, not meaningless combinations like machine-generated, modern search engines are encoupled with advanced learning techniques to understand the semantics of website contents and will give preferences to websites with high-quality and natural contents. Also make sure you have a clear architecture and organization for your contents overall, keep sentences and paras short by breaking frequently and organizing using headers and subtitles. While keeping single paras and sentences shorter, a longer content in total on a page may be a strong indicator of high content quality.
  • Content freshness Content freshness might also influence Google ranking! We refer readers to the article here for how to keep fresh contents to get better ranking on search engines. Several external factors that influence freshness ranking are 1) number of external sites links to your website 2) links from fresh websites to your content 3) the publish date, last modified time can also influence the freshness ranking results.
  1. Trust, authority and expertise
  • Content quality, amount and web info all contribute to the authority factor of you website
  • A good site architecture or sitemap can help establishing an authority at a high level
  • A blog together with your website may help establish authority, the timeliness of your blog can also at the meantime guarantee freshness
  • Customer reviews might also influence the quality and authority ranking.
  1. Site internal links and site level info
  • site level signals The security level of your website, for example, using HTTPS is regarded as an lightweight signal that proves the authority and quality of a business website. Mobile friendliness: if your website supports mobile devices or is tailored for mobile viewing, it will be recognized as a high-quality site with higher possibility. Site speed: a website that is slow to access usually indicates that it's hosted by personals or small businesses that usually provides low-authority contents. The overall site arch, sitemap, is also considered by Google for ranking, a clear website sitemap can greatly improve the ranking results.
  • internal links Internal links are usually recognized as an internal vote for different pages in your website overall.
  1. In/Out links
  • Outbound links out links are a trust signal, a work that links to proper references for backing up itself usually is recognized as a good one. Stay tuned and do NEVER link your websites to dead sites, too many out links to dead sites are a signal that your website is out-of-date for the search engine.
  • Backlinks Number of backlinks to your website is apparently a signal that your website has high quality of contents as well as authority, especially backlinks from relevant sites. Links from a diverse range of websites is also a plus. Links from high authority or high quality websites are one of the most significant factors for your ranking.
  1. Domain name and URL
  • A good domain name is an indication that your websites will be well reputed, both the domain name age, expiration date and keywords in domain name count in the ranking.
  • static URL organization caters to crawlers much better.
  • Make your URLs in a shallower directory level and closer-to-root position to increase weight in ranking.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Another kbeznak parmatonic can be found here

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

Kbeznak Parmatonic for csce 670 homework by dr. James Caverlee

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

Trends (Top Search Key Words):

  1. Warriors
  2. Galaxy S9
  3. NBA Young Boy
  4. Walking Dead
  5. Rick Nash

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

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