$\textcolor{green}{Getting\ Started}$ -
$\textcolor{gray}{In\ this\ project\ you\ have\ to\ know:}$
$\textcolor{gray}{First,\ run\ the\ development\ server: }$
npm install @solana/web3.js
npm install @metaplex-foundation/js fs
npm install @metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata
npm start
$\textcolor{green}{Let's\ start}$ -
$\textcolor{gray}{Be\ creative,\ Describe\ your\ token\ metadata! }$
const tokenName = "MangırCoin"
const description = "Welcome to rebirth of the everything."
const symbol = "PRC"
const decimals = 2
const amount = 1000
$\textcolor{red}{Do\ not\ forget\ to\ add\ your\ image\ in\ SRC!}$ ✌️
// file to buffer
const buffer = fs.readFileSync("src/images.png")
// buffer to metaplex file
const file = toMetaplexFile(buffer, "images.png")
$\textcolor{brown}{ And\ run\ code,Congratulations\ here\ is\ your\ TOKEN! :}$
$\textcolor{brown}{ And\ your\ token's\ metadata:}$