IMPROVED 3rd version of Nissim engine: NiCim. Working with UCI protocol. Written in C++.
You can play against NiCim here:
- Efficient Bitboards representation of Chess Board (
- Pre-Calculated Moves and Attacks, using MagicBitboards (
- Alpha Beta pruning based search, with:
- Quiescence Search (
- Principal Variation Search (
- Move ordering by (
- Principal variation Node (
- Killer moves (
- History moves (
- Late Move Reduction (
- Null Move Pruning (
- Razoring (
- NNUE Evaluation! (by
- Transposition Table (
- Opening Book support with polyglot format. (as described in this toturial:
There are two ways to compile NiCim:
- you can use Cmake with the provided CMakeLists.txt file. (really easy to do with CLion)
- you can use the provided makefile. currently, the makefile supports only windows machines.
- NiCim executable must be next to the provided .nnue file, otherwise, it's evaluation won't work.
- NiCim can support polyglot format opening books, and provided by one. if you wish to change the book you need to chage the default NAME_OF_BOOK in "PolyBook.h". If you with to turn off this option, you can through the uci protocol.
- If you wish to use NiCim as a bot Player on lichess (using this awsome code by ShailChoksi : it is very recommanded to change the delay time of NiCim so it won't accidently lose on time. to do that, simply add txt file named (EXACTLY) "ONLINE_TIME_CONFIG.txt" to the working directory\ same directory where NiCimEngine.exe file is in. you don't have to write any thing in it, NiCim will automatically change it's delay time accordingly
- Chess Programming :
- Logic Crazy Chess:
- Bluefever Software:
- Noga Regev for the AMAZING artwork of Nicim Icon.