Ethereum powered standard for software licenses. Makes authentication, reselling and activation of keys easy, simpole and safe
Tokens are minted by issuer (Bot Dev). The issuer is the owner and can define a token to have the following properties:
Subscription time: Month / year (this is done by calculating block height) callable as returns bool
Transfer Fee: Devs can take a transfer Fee so tokens sold can pay a % to the dev automatically (optional)
Subscription Payment: Contract address or identifier for base currency to use (dai, ether, usdc etc)
Tokens are : Transferable from party to party Can be used on any ethereum compatible wallet Standardized to make them compatible across different bots and to allow marketplaces to come about
This lets us renew a key by sending a specified amount of $$$ to the parent contract. The money sent translates to a specific number of blocks added to the subscription time.
Infrastructure needed:
Client libraries : Client libraries are important to allow bot developers to quickly integrate into the standard. I am a python dev so first integration will be a python library followed by a nodeJs library. This will be plug and play and allow devs to point to contract address and quickly plug into the built in auth for bots all on the network
Anti crack protection Client libraries can be bundled with additional anti-cracking libraries. Potential token standard improvements in the future could allow for OnChain challenges to force on chain activation. Open Marketplace Like uniswap but for bots Tokenized proxies? Why not go full mile and allow the same but for metered billing products like proxy traffic etc. This would have to be layer 2 for sure but the tech is ready