Bisect_ppx is a code coverage tool for OCaml. It helps you test thoroughly by showing which parts of your code are not tested.
For a live demonstration, see the coverage report Bisect_ppx generates for itself.
Most of these commands go in a Makefile
or other script, so that you only have
to run that script, then refresh your browser.
Install Bisect_ppx.
opam install bisect_ppx
to your library- or executable-under-test. Instructions are also available for Ocamlbuild, ocamlfind, and OASIS.(library (public_name my_code) (preprocess (pps bisect_ppx -conditional -no-comment-parsing)))
Don't add
to your tests. -
Run your test binary. In addition to testing your code, it will produce one or more files with names like
.BISECT_ENABLE=yes dune runtest
Generate the coverage report.
bisect-ppx-report -I _build/default/ -html coverage/ `find . -name 'bisect*.out'`
!In each file of the report,
- Green lines contain expressions, all of which were visited.
- Red lines contain expressions, none of which were visited.
- Yellow lines contain expressions, some of which were visited, but others not.
- White lines are those that don't contain visitable expressions. They may have type declarations, keywords, or something else that Bisect_ppx did not, or cannot instrument.
See also the advanced usage.
You can generate a Coveralls json report using the bisect-ppx-report
with the -coveralls
flag. Note that Bisect_ppx reports are more precise than
Coveralls, which only considers whole lines as visited or not. The built-in
Coveralls reporter will consider a full line unvisited if any point on that
line is not visited, check the html report to verify precisly which points are
not covered.
Example using the built-in Coveralls reporter on Travis CI (which sets
bisect-ppx-report \
-I _build/default/ \
-coveralls coverage.json \
-service-name travis-ci \
-service-job-id $TRAVIS_JOB_ID \
`find . -name 'bisect*.out'`
curl -L -F json_file=@./coverage.json
A small sample of projects using Bisect_ppx:
Bisect_ppx is available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL). To summarize, you can incorporate Bisect_ppx into proprietary projects. If you make modifications to Bisect_ppx, you have to open-source them. The rest of your project remains proprietary.
Essentially, this is like the BSD or MIT licenses, except that if you include a customized Bisect_ppx in a release (as opposed to private use), you have to make the altered source visible. This can be done by contributing the changes back, keeping Bisect_ppx in a visible fork, or if your bigger project itself also happens to be open source.
Besides proprietary licenses, MPL is compatible with BSD/MIT/Apache- and (L)GPL-licensed projects. See the MPL 2.0 FAQ.
The Ocamlbuild plugin is dedicated to the public domain.
Bug reports and pull requests are warmly welcome. Bisect_ppx is developed on GitHub, so please open an issue.
To get the latest development version of Bisect_ppx using OPAM, run
opam source --dev-repo --pin bisect_ppx
You will now have a bisect_ppx
subdirectory to work in.