module is an implementation of connect
session store using Mongoose.
I believe every open source project should clearly indicate its status and intended applications
of the project. In that spirit, here is the status of session-mongoose
This project is IMO not production-ready for following reasons:
- insufficient testing
- zero optimization
- there are better options than MongoDB for session storage.
I use session-mongoose
primarily in prototype webapps where above factors don't matter.
Accordingly, I am ready to commit just enough time to fix things when things break. I can't guarantee all reported issues will be fixed in reasonable amount of time but I do try to address them promptly mainly because I can't sleep at night when someone in need is out there.
Uses its own instance of Mongoose object, leaving default instance for use by the app.
npm install session-mongoose
Create session store:
var connect = require('connect');
var SessionStore = require("session-mongoose")(connect);
var store = new SessionStore({
url: "mongodb://localhost/session",
interval: 120000 // expiration check worker run interval in millisec (default: 60000)
Configure Express
var express = require("express");
var SessionStore = require("session-mongoose")(express);
var store = new SessionStore({
url: "mongodb://localhost/session",
interval: 120000 // expiration check worker run interval in millisec (default: 60000)
// configure session provider
store: store,
That's it.
an instance of
module (or equivalent likeexpress
) is now required to get SessionStore implementation (see examples above). -
moved Mongoose model for session data to session store instance (SessionStore.model).
var connect = require('connect'); var SessionStore = require("session-mongoose")(connect); var store = new SessionStore({ url: "mongodb://localhost/session", interval: 120000 // expiration check worker run interval in millisec (default: 60000) }); var model = store.model; // Mongoose model for session // this wipes all sessions model.collection.drop(function (err) { console.log(err); });
moved fromdependencies
Version 0.0.3 changes Mongoose schema data type for session data from JSON string to Mixed
If you notice any migration issues, please file an issue.