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Tags: yonpak/erserve



Toggle 3.7.0's commit message
Add erserve:controlling_process/2 to hand over control of a connectio…

…n to a new process


Toggle 3.6.0's commit message
Improve handling of large Erlang integers: they will be transported a…

…s int, double or string depending on size.


Toggle 3.5.1's commit message
Improve handling of NaN/NA/Inf/-Inf in doubles


Toggle 3.5.0's commit message
Add support for NaN/Inf/-Inf in doubles; add more helpers to translat…

…e between R and Erlang representations of data


Toggle 3.4.2's commit message
Correctly handle empty arrays of strings


Toggle 3.4.1's commit message
Add some info about NAs to readme


Toggle 3.4.0's commit message
Add support for uploading NA values in ints and doubles.

It also works for booleans, if you both write and read them via Rserve/erserve,
but if you for instance upload a boolean array with NAs in it and then save()
it, and load() it up in a regular R instance, that R will see the NAs as TRUE.


Toggle 3.3.0's commit message
Add support for sending boolean arrays to R


Toggle 3.2.1's commit message
Add missing erserve: in front of open/close.


Toggle 3.2.0's commit message
Fix issue with transferring xt_array_str.

Turns out Rserve doesn't want to eat what it serves. It sends xt_array_str with \0-terminated strings padded out with
\1 to take a multiple of 4 bytes. But it only expects the \1-padding at the end of the array and not at each individual
string when it receives data.