Simple Ruby on Rails app to detect which computers are available.
- Rails 4.2
- Ruby 2.1.x
- Copy the folder config/deploy/production.sample.rb to config/deploy/production.rb
- Edit production.rb and fill in your server details.
- Create the mysql database on your server
- Copy database.sample.yml to database.yml
- Edit database.yml with you database information.
- Default setting for dev and test is SQLlite. Mysql is for production.
- Make sure to edit your dbuser/dbpassword for mysql.
config/deploy/*.rb (e.g. production.rb) and database.yml are in .gitignore. You will need to copy them to your server and place them in the application shared directory. Capistrano 3 has linked_files option to symlink them easily.
set :linked_files, %w{
Therefore, config/database.yml will actually be a symlink which points to shared/config/database.yml and so on.