This is a collection of scripts I'm using to help me test getting up and running from scratch.
My testing process looks something like:
desktop$ vagrant up
Now you can setup your user account. Note that I have an entry in /etc/hosts to point the IP address in Vagrantfile to 'tsuru.lan' to make my life easier. The password prompts aren't automated yet, so just type 'foobar' (or whatever) for your testing password each time it prompts you.
desktop$ ./
Now we can try deploying our sample "hello world" python web application.
desktop$ ./
If everything is working properly, you should be able to visit your app at "http://hw.tsuru.lan", which I also have an alias for in my /etc/hosts file. However, for the moment the config assumes '' as the top-level domain, so you need to pass the appropriate Host header.
The command I'm using to test this is:
desktop$ http -vv tsuru.lan
desktop$ curl -vv -H 'Host:' tsuru.lan
The preliminary heroku buildpack support is in the 'heroku' directory. You can create the image with
vagrant$ cd /vagrant/heroku && sh ./
After that, you should be able to create tsuru apps under the 'heroku' platform.