A simple action plugin for Elasticsearch
A koan-style tutorial in Java for the MyBatis data mapper framework
A series of demos using HBase Standalone and Phoenix/HBase
A simple node.js module for exporting data set to Excel xlsx file.
SpringSprout Home Page Development
Example application with Spring Web MVC, Spring Security and Spring Data JPA
Java implementation of the KMeans algorithm for use during the Data Mining course. Additionally contains a short Matlab/Octave script to plot the data in annoted clusters.
Using K-means clustering algorithm to find centers of randoms 2D points. Java 2D API is used to render results.
java exercise implementation of k-means clustering algorithm
Java Implementation to group DNA by KMeans Algorithm using Seqential Algorithm and Parallel Algorithm harnessing MPI
A K-means visualization using JavaScript with D3.
Implementation of Kmeans Algorithm for clustering or categorization of data points. Data points should be in input.txt file with x and y coordinates in a single line.
Squelette d'un projet maven multi-module utilisant Spring (IOC/MVC/Security) 3.0.5 ,Hibernate3
The Significance Showcase is a simple Elasticsearch plugin to easily visualize differences between various significance metrics like mutual information or chi squared.