A lightweight, HTTP-centric, log-based (Kafka-style) message queue.
This is still experimental software potentially full of bugs. To peek at the internals start with BigLog.
- low-level log management
- HTTP transport
- scanner based pub/sub
- custom data retention policy
- persistent scanners
- batching
- compression
- good test coverage
- proper documentation
- streaming based pub/sub
- async replication
- kinesis-compatible transport
- gRPC transport
- Match Kafka's performance.
- Distributed system.
While posting and fetching single messages is very inefficient, it's the simplest way to get started using nothing but curl commands.
# compile server
go get github.com/ninibe/netlog/cmd/netlog
# run server
# create new topic
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo
# post messages
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo/payload --data-binary "message number one"
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo/payload --data-binary "message number two"
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo/payload --data-binary "message number three"
# check topic info
curl localhost:7200/demo
# create scanner
curl -XPOST "localhost:7200/demo/scanner?from=0"
export SC="...UUID RETURNED..."
# start scanning...
curl -XGET "localhost:7200/demo/scan?id=$SC"
x times ...
# wait 5 seconds for new messages
curl -XGET "localhost:7200/demo/scan?id=$SC&wait=5s"
# wait 5 minutes
curl -XGET "localhost:7200/demo/scan?id=$SC&wait=5m"
# post more messages in another window
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo/payload --data-binary "message number four"
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/demo/payload --data-binary "message number five"
# new scanner since 1 minute ago
curl -XPOST "localhost:7200/demo/scanner?from=1m"
# create new topic
curl -XPOST localhost:7200/pubsubdemo
# get scanner ID with jq
export SCANNER=$(curl -s -XPOST "localhost:7200/pubsubdemo/scanner?from=0&persist=true" | jq -r .id)
# subscribe to the topic
while true; do; curl "localhost:7200/pubsubdemo/scan?id=$SCANNER&wait=1h" && echo; done
# publish on the topic
while true; do; read data; curl localhost:7200/pubsubdemo/payload --data-binary $data; done
# write something and hit enter
Contributions are more than welcome, check the contributing guidelines. To ask any questions you can write to the netlog-dev mailing list.