Code for poster for Society for Neuroscience 2023 meeting
SELD-TCN: Sound Event Detection & Localization via Temporal Convolutional Network | Python w/ Tensorflow
H. Zhou, F. Luo, H. Zhuang, Z. Weng, X. Gong and Z. Lin, "Attention Multi-hop Graph and Multi-scale Convolutional Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Geo…
(IJCV2024 & ICCV2023) LSKNet: A Foundation Lightweight Backbone for Remote Sensing
Implementation Code for the ICCASSP 2023 paper " Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Module with Cross-Spatial Learning" and is available at:
Ablation study of local spectral attention (LSA) for full-band speech enhancement (SE)
Official implementation of the INTERSPEECH 2024 paper: Temporal-Channel Modeling in Multi-head Self-Attention for Synthetic Speech Detection
The official PyTorch implementation of "Inter-SubNet: Speech Enhancement with Subband Interaction", accepted by ICASSP 2023.
The official PyTorch implementation of "FullSubNet+: Channel Attention FullSubNet with Complex Spectrograms for Speech Enhancement".
[ICASSP 2023] Official Tensorflow implementation of "Temporal Modeling Matters: A Novel Temporal Emotional Modeling Approach for Speech Emotion Recognition".
This is the official code for paper "Speech Emotion Recognition with Global-Aware Fusion on Multi-scale Feature Representation" published in ICASSP 2022
PyTorch implementation of "FullSubNet: A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech Enhancement."
A pytorch template for beginners based on pytorch_lightning
The Official PyTorch Implementation of FN-SSL & IPDnet for Sound Source Localization [INTERSPEECH2023 & TASLP2024]
A description of "RealMAN: A Real-Recorded and Annotated Microphone Array Dataset for Dynamic Speech Enhancement and Localization" [NeurIPS 2024]
The implementation of "Dual-branch Attention-In-Attention Transformer for single-channel speech enhancement"
Conformer-based Metric GAN for speech enhancement
🍀 Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
A collection of MATLAB routines for acoustical array processing on spherical harmonic signals, commonly captured with a spherical microphone array.
[IJCAI 2024] EAT: Self-Supervised Pre-Training with Efficient Audio Transformer
In this research, a comparison between ML and DL approaches for skin classification on the ISIC 2017 is presented.
My first attempt at ISIC 2017: Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection