My collection of dotfiles
Days since last changed: 0
Currently playing around with chezmoi
export GITHUB_USERNAME="<your-username>"
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
# OR
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply username/dotfiles-x
Current tide config
To see this, you need to go through tide configure
and then choose (p) Exit and print the config you just generated
tide configure --auto --style=Lean --prompt_colors='True color' --show_time='24-hour format' --lean_prompt_height='Two lines' --prompt_connection=Disconnected --prompt_spacing=Compact --icons='Many icons' --transient=No
Simple One Line no icons
tide configure --auto --style=Lean --prompt_colors='True color' --show_time='24-hour format' --lean_prompt_height='One line' --prompt_spacing=Compact --icons='Few icons' --transient=No
set -U tide_prompt_min_cols 512 # Always truncate path
set --prepend tide_right_prompt_items shlvl
_tide_find_and_remove os $tide_left_prompt_items
set -U tide_git_icon
❯ echo $tide_right_prompt_items
status cmd_duration context jobs direnv bun node python rustc java php pulumi ruby go gcloud kubectl distrobox toolbox terraform aws nix_shell crystal elixir zig time
❯ echo $tide_left_prompt_items
pwd git character
set -Ux hydro_color_pwd 00AFFF set -Ux hydro_color_git 5FD700 set -Ux hydro_color_prompt --dim 5FD700 set -Ux hydro_color_duration --dim $fish_color_normal set -Ux hydro_symbol_prompt ❯
set -Ux DOCKER_HOST unix:///Users/$USER/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/docker.raw.sock