npm i
npm run auto [startDate]
preauto is npm i ; it will npm install all node_modules
startDate default = lastVersion's date (config.json:new Date(versionList[lastVersion])) if lastVersion's date is null default will be today
- product_name will be headfix in your packaged fileName.
- lastVersion need rewrite last version by hand
- version need rewrite current version by hand
- mode has PublishOnly、UpdateOnly、CompleteOnly、All to selection;PublishOnly will only compire the code, UpdateOnly will only create update package; CompleteOnly will only create full package; All will create both.
- otherRoomCard be true will copy roomcard site to WHQJRoomCard filder form WHQJFront
- otherAPI be true will copy api site to WHQJAPI filder form WHQJFront
- versionList will be auto rewrite by index script.
- prebuild can control some project build or not build