Mingjing Yu, Huicheng Zheng, Zhifeng Peng, Jiayu Dong, and Heran Du. 2020. "Facial expression recognition based on a multi-task global-local network". in Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 131, Pages 166-171. Paper
Download CK+ and Oulu-CASIA databases from network
CK+ : http://www.pitt.edu/~emotion/ck-spread.htm
Oulu : https://www.oulu.fi/cmvs/node/41316
The main code is in 'Data_preprocess' directory.
We use Dlib tools to detect landmarks and extract the eyes, nose, mouth regions. Download the dat file from http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2 and unzip the shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat to 'Data_preprocess' directory.
We give the grouping lists in 'Data_preprocess/data_ck+/CK+_Ten_group.txt' and 'Data_preprocess/data_oulu/Oulu_CASIA_Ten_group.txt'
Run 'productPKLforCKplus.py' to preprocess CK+ dataset and save in a '.pkl' file.
Run 'productPKLforOuluCasIA.py' to preprocess Oulu-CASIA dataset and save in a '.pkl' file.
We develop part of the preprocessing code from Tang Yan's work
The main code is in 'Train_FER' directory.
We use deformable cnn in our network. We thank OuYang Wei for the pytorch implementation.
We use Mixup for data augmentation. We thank Zhang hongyi for the pytorch implementation.
Run 'train_ck.py' for training and testing CK+ datasets.
Run 'train_Oulu.py' for training and testing Oulu-CASIA datasets.