Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation
Verilog AXI components for FPGA implementation
An FPGA-based Field Oriented Control (FOC) for driving BLDC/PMSM motor. 基于FPGA的FOC控制器,用于驱动BLDC/PMSM电机。
Verilog I2C interface for FPGA implementation
synthesiseable ieee 754 floating point library in verilog
A simple, basic, formally verified UART controller
An FPGA-based lightweight CAN bus controller. 基于FPGA的轻量级CAN总线控制器。
An FPGA-based JPEG-LS encoder, which provides lossless and near-lossless image compression with high compression ratios. 基于FPGA的JPEG-LS编码器,可实现高压缩率的无损/近无损图像压缩。
An FPGA-based DDR1 controller. 基于FPGA的DDR1控制器,为低端FPGA嵌入式系统提供廉价、大容量的存储。
Verilog module for calculation of FFT.
This repo includes 3 independent modules: UART receiver, UART transmitter, UART to AXI4 master. 本项目包含3个独立模块:UART接收器、UART发送器、UART转AXI4交互式调试器。
MIPI I3C Basic v1.0 communication Slave source code in Verilog with BSD license to support use in sensors and other devices.
An FPGA-based MPEG2 encoder for video compression (1920x1080 120fps). 基于FPGA的MPEG2视频编码器,可实现视频压缩。
2024年全国大学生嵌入式芯片与系统设计竞赛 FPGA创新设计赛道 国一+易灵思创新杯获奖作品 Ultra-Vision (基于Ti60F225的无极缩放算法实现)
The Dark Channel Prior technique is implemented on FPGA using only Verilog code and no Intellectual Property, making it convenient to replicate using any simulator and any of the available FPGA boa…
Greedy Snake game on Nexys 4 DDR with Verilog.
An FPGA-based QOI image compressor and decompressor in Verilog. 基于FPGA的QOI图像压缩器和解压器。
【2023全国大学生FPGA 创新设计竞赛】全国二等奖作品:Cortex-M0智能飞机大战游戏机 开源项目