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Uni-Dock: a GPU-accelerated molecular docking program


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Uni-Dock is a GPU-accelerated molecular docking program developed by DP Technology. It supports various scoring functions including vina, vinardo, and ad4. Uni-Dock achieves more than 1000-fold speed-up on V100 GPU with high-accuracy compared with the AutoDock Vina running in single CPU core. The paper has been accepted by JCTC (doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c01145).

Runtime performance of Uni-Dock on different GPUs in three modes


  • V1.1.0: Support SDF format input for vina and vinardo scoring functions.

Usage Guideline

We offer the software for academic purposes only. By downloading and using Uni-Dock, you are agreeing to the usage guideline (en, zh).

Developed by DP Technology, Hermite® is a new-generation drug computing design platform which integrates artificial intelligence, physical modeling and high-performance computing to provide a one-stop computing solution for preclinical drug research and development. It integrates the features of Uni-Dock, along with virtual screening workflow for an efficient drug discovery process.

Uni-Dock is now available on the new-generation drug computing design platform Hermite® for ultralarge virtual screening.

For commercial usage and further cooperations, please contact us at [email protected] .


Uni-Dock supports NVIDIA GPUs on Linux platform. CUDA toolkit is required.

Please download the latest binary of Uni-Dock at the assets tab of the Release page. Executable unidock supports vina and vinardo scoring functions, and unidock_ad4 supports ad4 scoring function.

After downloading, please make sure that the path to unidock is in your PATH environment variable.



To launch a Uni-Dock job, the most important parameters are as follows:

  • --receptor: filepath of the receptor (PDBQT)
  • --gpu_batch: filepath of the ligands to dock with GPU (PDBQT), enter multiple at a time, separated by spaces (" ")
  • --search_mode: computational complexity, choice in [fast, balance, and detail].

Advanced options --search_mode is the recommended setting of --exhaustiveness and --max_step, with three combinations called fast, balance, and detail.

  • fast mode: --exhaustiveness 128 & --max_step 20
  • balance mode: --exhaustiveness 384 & --max_step 40
  • detail mode: --exhaustiveness 512 & --max_step 40

The larger --exhaustiveness and --max_step, the higher the computational complexity, the higher the accuracy, but the larger the computational cost.

unidock --receptor <receptor.pdbqt> \
     --gpu_batch <lig1.pdbqt> <lig2.pdbqt> ... <ligN.pdbqt> \
     --search_mode balance \
     --scoring vina \
     --center_x <center_x> \
     --center_y <center_y> \
     --center_z <center_z> \
     --size_x <size_x> \
     --size_y <size_y> \
     --size_z <size_z> \
     --num_modes 1 \
     --dir <save dir>


>> unidock --help

  --receptor arg             rigid part of the receptor (PDBQT or PDB)
  --flex arg                  flexible side chains, if any (PDBQT or PDB)
  --ligand arg               ligand (PDBQT)
  --ligand_index arg         file containing paths to ligands (PDBQT or SDF)
  --batch arg                batch ligand (PDBQT)
  --gpu_batch arg            gpu batch ligand (PDBQT or SDF)
  --scoring arg (=vina)      scoring function (ad4, vina or vinardo)

Search space (required):
  --maps arg                 affinity maps for the autodock4.2 (ad4) or vina
                             scoring function
  --center_x arg             X coordinate of the center (Angstrom)
  --center_y arg             Y coordinate of the center (Angstrom)
  --center_z arg             Z coordinate of the center (Angstrom)
  --size_x arg               size in the X dimension (Angstrom)
  --size_y arg               size in the Y dimension (Angstrom)
  --size_z arg               size in the Z dimension (Angstrom)
  --autobox                  set maps dimensions based on input ligand(s) (for
                             --score_only and --local_only)

Output (optional):
  --out arg                  output models (PDBQT), the default is chosen based
                             on the ligand file name
  --dir arg                  output directory for batch mode
  --write_maps arg           output filename (directory + prefix name) for
                             maps. Option --force_even_voxels may be needed to
                             comply with .map format

Misc (optional):
  --cpu arg (=0)             the number of CPUs to use (the default is to try
                             to detect the number of CPUs or, failing that, use
  --seed arg (=0)            explicit random seed
  --exhaustiveness arg (=8)  exhaustiveness of the global search (roughly
                             proportional to time): 1+
  --max_evals arg (=0)       number of evaluations in each MC run (if zero,
                             which is the default, the number of MC steps is
                             based on heuristics)
  --num_modes arg (=9)       maximum number of binding modes to generate
  --min_rmsd arg (=1)        minimum RMSD between output poses
  --energy_range arg (=3)    maximum energy difference between the best binding
                             mode and the worst one displayed (kcal/mol)
  --spacing arg (=0.375)     grid spacing (Angstrom)
  --verbosity arg (=1)       verbosity (0=no output, 1=normal, 2=verbose)
  --max_step arg (=0)        maximum number of steps in each MC run (if zero,
                             which is the default, the number of MC steps is
                             based on heuristics)
  --refine_step arg (=5)     number of steps in refinement, default=5
  --max_gpu_memory arg (=0)  maximum gpu memory to use (default=0, use all
                             available GPU memory to optain maximum batch size)
  --search_mode arg          search mode of unidock (fast, balance, detail), using
                             recommended settings of exhaustiveness and search
                             steps; the higher the computational complexity,
                             the higher the accuracy, but the larger the
                             computational cost

Configuration file (optional):
  --config arg               the above options can be put here

Information (optional):
  --help                     display usage summary
  --help_advanced            display usage summary with advanced options
  --version                  display program version


We have provided a target from DUD-E dataset for screening test. Python version >=3.6 is recommended.

git clone
cd Uni-Dock/example/screening_test

# target def
cp config_def.json config.json

# target mmp13
cp config_mmp13.json config.json

If you want to use search mode presets, specify the parameter search_mode in config.json and delete nt and ns in config.json.

Bug Report

Please report bugs to Issues page.


If you used Uni-Dock in your work, please cite:

Yu, Y., Cai, C., Wang, J., Bo, Z., Zhu, Z., & Zheng, H. (2023). Uni-Dock: GPU-Accelerated Docking Enables Ultralarge Virtual Screening. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.

Tang, S., Chen, R., Lin, M., Lin, Q., Zhu, Y., Ding, J., ... & Wu, J. (2022). Accelerating autodock vina with gpus. Molecules, 27(9), 3041. DOI 10.3390/molecules27093041

J. Eberhardt, D. Santos-Martins, A. F. Tillack, and S. Forli AutoDock Vina 1.2.0: New Docking Methods, Expanded Force Field, and Python Bindings, J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2021) DOI 10.1021/acs.jcim.1c00203

O. Trott, A. J. Olson, AutoDock Vina: improving the speed and accuracy of docking with a new scoring function, efficient optimization and multithreading, J. Comp. Chem. (2010) DOI 10.1002/jcc.21334


  1. The GPU encounters out-of-memory error. Uni-Dock estimates the number of ligands put into GPU memory in one pass based on the available GPU memory size. If it fails, please use --max_gpu_memory to limit the usage of GPU memory size by Uni-Dock.
  2. I want to put all my ligands in --gpu_batch, but it exceeds the maximum command line length that linux can accept.
    • You can save your command in a shell script like, and run the command by bash
    • You can save your ligands path in a file (separated by spaces) by ls *.pdbqt > index.txt, and use --ligand_index index.txt in place of --gpu_batch.


Uni-Dock: a GPU-accelerated molecular docking program







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