- Go to https://newsapi.org/
- Press ‘Get Api Key’ on the right
- Enter your desired creds and promise to add an attribution link to newsapi
- Press submit and store your API key - this one will be used for api requests
- Test you did well - https://newsapi.org/v1/articles?source=bbc-news&apiKey={{YOUR_API_KEY}}
- Create application, using your github page on your github account: https://pages.github.com/
- Using es6 knowledge create an application that uses newsapi, which will run purely on the client-side in Chrome-54 browser (no server-side work expected). Your app should get all the news in the available section and display them;
- Score points for every usage of the es6, but points will be descored for prehistoric things (such as XMLHttpRequest);
- Styling is not the requirement for this task, but it will be an additional bonus;
- You're not allowed to use any framework :)
- Add attribution link, remember, you promised!