Releases: yusinto/ld-redux
Releases · yusinto/ld-redux
Bugfix respect useCamelCaseFlagKeys in subscribeToChanges
Added useCamelCaseFlagKeys option
Added a config option to turn off camel case keys.
Upgrade ld js client to launchdarkly-js-client-sdk
This release upgrades the js client package to the newly renamed launchdarkly-js-client-sdk
Added subscribe option.
Provide means to opt-out of automatic live flag updates by adding a subscribe option in the init config.
Fixed deprecated default export warning and upgrades
- Fixed #22 ldclient-js warning re deprecated default export
[LaunchDarkly] "default export" is deprecated, please use "named LDClient export"
- Npm package upgrades
Make init flags optional
The flags argument is now no longer mandatory when initialising ld-redux. If you don't specify this argument, ld-redux will subscribe to all flags in your launch darkly environment.
If you specify the argument (this is the previous behaviour), then ld-redux will only subscribe to those flags specified.
This is a non-breaking change, no action required to upgrade to this version from v3.1.2.
Refer to GH-21 for the initial motivation for this change.