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A library to integrate launch darkly with react redux


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A library to integrate launch darkly with react redux 👏

Launch Darkly is a great tool for feature flagging and a/b testing. It has a fully capable client-side javascript sdk, so why this package?

If you use react redux and you want to store your feature flags as part of your redux state, this package will do that for you. It does the heavy lifting of:

  • Fetching your flags from launch darkly.
  • Storing it in your redux state.
  • Camel casing your keys so you can use them in code with the dot operator. The keys by default are dash separated so you can't do this out of the box with the official sdk.
  • Server Sent Event works as well so your app will respond live to feature flag changes without the users having to refresh the browser!


yarn add ld-redux

or the old school way

npm i --save ld-redux


  1. In your client bootstrap, initialise the launch darkly client by invoking initLD method:

    import createStore from '<your-project>/store';
    import ldRedux from 'ld-redux';
    // standard redux createStore
    const store = createStore();
    // Pass redux store to ld-redux so it can store flags in redux state
    ldRedux.init('yourClientSideId', store);
      <Provider store={store}>
        <Router routes={routes} history={browserHistory}/>
  2. Include ldReducer as one of the reducers in your app:

    import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
    import ldRedux from 'ld-redux';
    import reducers from '<your-project>/reducers';
    export default combineReducers({
      LD: ldRedux.reducer(), // Note: key must be upper case LD
  3. Subscribe to flags in your redux container:

    import {connect} from 'react-redux';
    import ldRedux, {ldConnect} from 'ld-redux';
    import * as yourActions from '<your-project>/actions/yourActions';
    // These must be the keys you set up in launch darkly dashboard (kebab-lower-cased)
    const homeFlags = {'feature-flag-key': false};
    const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
      // Use getFlags to access flags from LD state
      const flags = ldRedux.getFlags(state, homeFlags);
      return {
    // Use ldConnect to connect your component to the feature flags it needs
    @connect(mapStateToProps, yourActions)
    export default class HomeContainer extends Component {
      render() {
        return <HomeComponent {...this.props} />;
  4. Finally in your component, your feature flags are available from props in camelCase:

    import React, {Component} from 'react';
    export default class Home extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
              /* featureFlagKey is camelCased & injected by ld-redux */
              this.props.featureFlagKey ?
                  <p>Welcome to feature toggling!</p>


init(clientSideId, reduxStore, customUser, options)

You can initialise the sdk with a custom user by passing it as the third argument to the init method. This must be an object containing at least a "key" property. If you don't specify a customUser object, ldRedux will create a default one that looks like this:

const defaultUser = {
  key: uuid.v4(), // random guid
  ip: ip.address(),
  custom: {
    browser: userAgentParser.getResult(),

For more info on the user object, see here.

The final parameter options can be used to pass in extra options such as Bootstrapping. For example:

ldRedux.init('yourClientSideId', store, customUser, {
  bootstrap: 'localStorage'


This is ld-redux's reducer comprising of a single boolean flag isLDReady. You must include this reducer in your app as per step 2 above with the key 'LD'. This name is referenced by the getFlags method to retrieve flags from redux state (see below).

getFlags(reduxState, flags)

Extract the specified flags from the given redux state, using the given flag values as default. Internally this looks for the LD key in your state tree to retrieve flags from. The flags argument must be an object like this:

const flags = {
  'feature-flag': false,
  'another-feature-flag': true

The keys in this object must be the same as the one you set up in launch darkly dashboard. They will be kebab-lower-cased. The values will be used as default values for the flags.


This decorator does the hard work of retrieving each flag variation for the given flags so the wrapped component will be able to consume them. The flags object is the same as the one you used in getFlags method above.

It also subscribes your component to feature flag changes (implemented via sse) so it can react (no pun intended) automatically to changes without browser refresh.

For more info on subscribing to flag changes, see here.

isLDReady reducer state

This is a boolean flag in LD reducer which gets set to true when the sdk has finished loading. You can subscribe to this state if you need to perform custom operations on component load. By default, the ldRedux.getFlags method injects this flag implicitly so if you follow step 3 above, you'll find that isLDReady is already available as props in your component.


Internally the ldRedux.init method above initialises the js sdk and stores the resultant ldClient object in window.ldClient. You can use this object to access the official sdk methods directly. For example, you can do things like:

// track goals
window.ldClient.track('add to cart');

// change user context
window.ldClient.identify({key: 'someUserId'});

For more info on changing user context, see the official documentation.


Check the example for a fully working spa with react, redux and react-router.