awesome-radar-perception Public
Forked from ZHOUYI1023/awesome-radar-perceptionA curated list of radar datasets, detection, tracking and fusion
UpdatedAug 11, 2022 -
LearnPython Public
Forked from xianhu/LearnPython以撸代码的形式学习Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 11, 2021 -
rt-thread Public
Forked from RT-Thread/rt-threadRT-Thread is an open source IoT operating system.
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2021 -
stm32F407 Public
Forked from zhujunmax/stm32F407在cubemx环境下,使用HAL库,封装的部分模块库,用于各种情况下直接调用,持续更新各类模块库,帮助初学者更快入门,少走弯路
C UpdatedJun 15, 2021 -
SMOKE Public
Forked from lzccccc/SMOKESMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2020 -
stock Public
Forked from pythonstock/stockstock,股票系统。使用python进行开发。
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
Python-Core-50-Courses Public
Forked from jackfrued/Python-Core-50-CoursesPython语言基础50课
UpdatedJul 20, 2020 -
SAR-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Public
Forked from denkywu/SAR-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar合成孔径雷达 相关。研究生期间学习 SAR/InSAR/PolSAR 相关的代码和总结,毕业后已经离开这个领域了。分享出来,仅此纪念。1)SAR: 成像算法,RD,CS,Radarsat-1数据成像处理。2)InSAR: 人造场景原始回波仿真、成像及干涉处理。包括平地场景和圆锥形场景。3)PolSAR: 极化定标算法,Whitt, PARC, Quegan, Ainsworth。详见 rea…
MATLAB UpdatedJul 20, 2020 -
apollo Public
Forked from ApolloAuto/apolloAn open autonomous driving platform
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 1, 2020 -
OpenRadar Public
Forked from PreSenseRadar/OpenRadarAn open source library for interacting with and processing radar data, specialized for MIMO mmWave radars
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 17, 2020 -
bdkq_spider Public
Forked from Eworld97/bdkq_spider北大口腔剩余号源的爬取程序(只能通过邮件通知剩余号源,不能模拟抢号)
Python UpdatedJan 14, 2020 -
SFND-Radar-Target-Generation-and-Detection- Public
Forked from godloveliang/SFND-Radar-Target-Generation-and-Detection-use matlab to simulate Radar detecting distance、speed,in the simulation range_FFT and doppler_FFT are used.
MATLAB UpdatedJul 5, 2019 -
doa-tools Public
Forked from morriswmz/doa-toolsA set of MATLAB functions for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in array signal processing.
MATLAB MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2018 -
tracking-with-Extended-Kalman-Filter Public
Forked from JunshengFu/tracking-with-Extended-Kalman-FilterObject (e.g Pedestrian, vehicles) tracking by Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), with fused data from both lidar and radar sensors.
DoA-Estimation-MUSIC-ESPRIT Public
Forked from dengjunquan/DoA-Estimation-MUSIC-ESPRITDirection of Arrival Estimation using MUSIC and ESPRIT Algorithms in Python
Python UpdatedAug 23, 2018 -
Cpp-Primer Public
Forked from Mooophy/Cpp-PrimerC++ Primer 5 answers
C++ Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
synthetic-millimeter-wave-forward-looking-radar-experiments- Public
Forked from WangKael/synthetic-millimeter-wave-forward-looking-radar-experiments-for vehicles, comparison between direct and synthetic scan
MATLAB UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
tracking-with-Unscented-Kalman-Filter Public
Forked from JunshengFu/tracking-with-Unscented-Kalman-FilterObject (e.g Pedestrian, biker, vehicles) tracking by Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), with fused data from both lidar and radar sensors.
C++ UpdatedJun 23, 2017