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A template for React with React hook form, Material UI and React Query

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Getting Started with React Template

This template has been created by using CRA. It includes React Query, React Hook Form, Typescript, SCSS and YUP validations. Main aim of this template is creating a strict, type-safe structure. It is using all benefits of typescript.

Folder Structure

Assets => Images, icons, svgs etc.
Components => React components
Config => Constant variables and Server side configs
Hooks => React Hooks
Navigator => Routes and route types
Services => Rest API paths and types
Stores => Global stores (Context API, Redux etc.)
Theme => Style customization, SASS structre and Material UI Customization
Utils => Helper methods
Validations => Form schemas and value types
Views => React components as routes (Website pages)

alt text


Section for images, videos, sounds and etc. media files.


Components of project are shelters here. There is a Button component for example structure.

// Button.tsx

import { FunctionComponent } from "react";
import "./Button.scss";

type Props = {};

const Button: FunctionComponent<Props> = () => {
  return <div></div>;

export default Button;


Constant variables for example Rest API path can be defined in this folder. New variables can be added according to project requirments.

// ServiceConfig.ts

export const baseURL = "";

export type pathURLStrings = "people/1/";

export const pathURls: { [key in string]: pathURLStrings } = {
  getPeople: "people/1/",

Above file, there are path URLs string array and PathURLs Object. They are being used on queries and mutations. In Services chapter, it will be examined deeply.


There are 3 hooks as default. useInterval, useModal, useOnClickOutside hooks.

useInterval => Interval hooks which is completly suitable for React Lifecycles.
useModal => Modal manager hook with show, hide and isVisible states.
useOnClickOutside => Captures an click event which is pointed out of referenced element.


Get/Post requests' data types can be created in this folder. Example for result of getPerson data type.

// GetPerson.ts

type GetPersonData = {
 name: string;

export default GetPersonData;

And getPersonData type should be using with react query.

 // Home.tsx

 const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery<GetPersonData>(


React-router-dom is defined in this folder. Every route path is being managed from this folder.

// Navigator/index.tsx

import { routes } from "./routes";

const Navigator = () => {
  const history = createBrowserHistory();

  return (
    <Router history={history}>
        {{ component, exact, path }, index) => (
            exact={exact || false}
// routes.ts

type PathType = "/" | "/login";
type RoutesType = { path: PathType } & RouteProps;

export const routes: RoutesType[] = [
    path: "/",
    exact: true,
    component: Home,
    path: "/login",
    component: Login,


Queries and Mutations are being defined in this folder.

// GetPerson.ts

import { axiosHelper } from "Services/AxiosHelper";

const getPersonQuery = async () =>
    await axiosHelper({
      method: "get",
      url: "people/1/",

export default getPersonQuery;

All requests are making via Axios. So making the structure more efficient, there is a wrapper which is called AxiosHelper. Url parameter of this wrapper is type of pathURLs and it's exported from Config folder.

// AxiosHelper.ts

import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
import { baseURL, pathURLStrings } from "Config";

type AxiosConfig = {
  url: pathURLStrings;
  method: "get" | "post";
  headers?: AxiosRequestConfig["headers"];
  data?: {};
} & AxiosRequestConfig;

export const axiosHelper = async (config: AxiosConfig) => {
  return await axios({ ...config, baseURL: baseURL });


There is one custom store in template. It's powered by Context API and provider. Can be found on Store/AppContext. You can create new ones depending on project requirments.


Customization style lib of project. This section will be reviewed on several subjects.

Usage of Variables

Variable SCSS file has constraits within itself.

// _variables.scss

$white-color: #fcf5ed;
$dark-color: #402f2b;
$light-color: #e6d5c3;
$medium-color: #977978;
$alert-color: #cb492a;
$light-black-color: #706e72;
$black-color: #414042;

Variable module is a connector between SCSS and TSX files. You can define variables, which are being shared.

// _variables.module.scss

@import "variables";

:export {
  whiteColor: $white-color;
  darkColor: $dark-color;
  lightColor: $light-color;
  mediumColor: $medium-color;
  alertColor: $alert-color;
  lightBlackColor: $light-black-color;
  blackColor: $black-color;

Although there is variable.ts which has SASS variables as module.

// variables.ts

import themeVariables from "./scss/_variables.module.scss";

type ThemeVariables = {
  whiteColor: string;
  darkColor: string;
  lightColor: string;
  mediumColor: string;
  alertColor: string;
  lightBlackColor: string;
  blackColor: string;

export default themeVariables as ThemeVariables;

Customization Material UI Template

You can customize MUI by using MaterialUITemplate. Its constants are based on theme colors whichs are exist on variables.

// MaterialUITheme.ts

import themeVariables from "./variables";

export const materialUITheme = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
    primary: {
      main: themeVariables.mediumColor,


There are 5 mixins as initial. They manage responsive style properties. New mixins can be added here.

// _mixins.scss

@mixin tiny-device {
  @media (max-width: $tiny-device-width) {

@mixin small-device {
  @media (max-width: $small-device-width) {

@mixin regular-device {
  @media (max-width: $regular-device-width) {

@mixin big-device {
  @media (max-width: $big-device-width) {

@mixin large-device {
  @media (min-width: $large-device-width) {

Component and Views(Containers) Styling

BEM method can be used on class naming. Index SASS file should be imported on Component and View SASS files.

// Login.scss

@import "index.scss";

#login {


Utilities helper functions and methods can be defined in this folder.


Yup validations and Form Schemas are being shared from this folder.

// LoginSchema.ts

import * as yup from "yup";

export const LoginSchema = yup.object().shape({
  username: yup.string().required(),
  password: yup.string().required(),

export type LoginSchemaInputs = yup.InferType<typeof LoginSchema>;

Yup.InferType inherits from schema. Its type will be like below one.

type LoginSchemaInputs = {
    [x: string]: never;
    username: string;
    password: string;


Views(Containers) simply mean as routes. There are 2 views as initial. Home and Login components. View props has generic type from RouterComponentProps. Please check the code block.

// Login.tsx

type LoginParams = {};
type LoginProps = RouteComponentProps<LoginParams>;

const Login: FunctionComponent<LoginProps> = () => {


Can be run tests with:

npm test
yarn test

Right now, there is issue with MaterialUI and test runs. Will be fixed later.


A template for React with React hook form, Material UI and React Query






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