This template has been created by using CRA. It includes React Query, React Hook Form, Typescript, SCSS and YUP validations. Main aim of this template is creating a strict, type-safe structure. It is using all benefits of typescript.
Assets => Images, icons, svgs etc.
Components => React components
Config => Constant variables and Server side configs
Hooks => React Hooks
Navigator => Routes and route types
Services => Rest API paths and types
Stores => Global stores (Context API, Redux etc.)
Theme => Style customization, SASS structre and Material UI Customization
Utils => Helper methods
Validations => Form schemas and value types
Views => React components as routes (Website pages)
Section for images, videos, sounds and etc. media files.
Components of project are shelters here. There is a Button component for example structure.
// Button.tsx
import { FunctionComponent } from "react";
import "./Button.scss";
type Props = {};
const Button: FunctionComponent<Props> = () => {
return <div></div>;
export default Button;
Constant variables for example Rest API path can be defined in this folder. New variables can be added according to project requirments.
// ServiceConfig.ts
export const baseURL = "";
export type pathURLStrings = "people/1/";
export const pathURls: { [key in string]: pathURLStrings } = {
getPeople: "people/1/",
Above file, there are path URLs string array and PathURLs Object. They are being used on queries and mutations. In Services chapter, it will be examined deeply.
There are 3 hooks as default. useInterval, useModal, useOnClickOutside hooks.
useInterval => Interval hooks which is completly suitable for React Lifecycles.
useModal => Modal manager hook with show, hide and isVisible states.
useOnClickOutside => Captures an click event which is pointed out of referenced element.
Get/Post requests' data types can be created in this folder. Example for result of getPerson data type.
// GetPerson.ts
type GetPersonData = {
name: string;
export default GetPersonData;
And getPersonData type should be using with react query.
// Home.tsx
const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery<GetPersonData>(
React-router-dom is defined in this folder. Every route path is being managed from this folder.
// Navigator/index.tsx
import { routes } from "./routes";
const Navigator = () => {
const history = createBrowserHistory();
return (
<Router history={history}>
{{ component, exact, path }, index) => (
exact={exact || false}
// routes.ts
type PathType = "/" | "/login";
type RoutesType = { path: PathType } & RouteProps;
export const routes: RoutesType[] = [
path: "/",
exact: true,
component: Home,
path: "/login",
component: Login,
Queries and Mutations are being defined in this folder.
// GetPerson.ts
import { axiosHelper } from "Services/AxiosHelper";
const getPersonQuery = async () =>
await axiosHelper({
method: "get",
url: "people/1/",
export default getPersonQuery;
All requests are making via Axios. So making the structure more efficient, there is a wrapper which is called AxiosHelper. Url parameter of this wrapper is type of pathURLs and it's exported from Config folder.
// AxiosHelper.ts
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
import { baseURL, pathURLStrings } from "Config";
type AxiosConfig = {
url: pathURLStrings;
method: "get" | "post";
headers?: AxiosRequestConfig["headers"];
data?: {};
} & AxiosRequestConfig;
export const axiosHelper = async (config: AxiosConfig) => {
return await axios({ ...config, baseURL: baseURL });
There is one custom store in template. It's powered by Context API and provider. Can be found on Store/AppContext. You can create new ones depending on project requirments.
Customization style lib of project. This section will be reviewed on several subjects.
Variable SCSS file has constraits within itself.
// _variables.scss
$white-color: #fcf5ed;
$dark-color: #402f2b;
$light-color: #e6d5c3;
$medium-color: #977978;
$alert-color: #cb492a;
$light-black-color: #706e72;
$black-color: #414042;
Variable module is a connector between SCSS and TSX files. You can define variables, which are being shared.
// _variables.module.scss
@import "variables";
:export {
whiteColor: $white-color;
darkColor: $dark-color;
lightColor: $light-color;
mediumColor: $medium-color;
alertColor: $alert-color;
lightBlackColor: $light-black-color;
blackColor: $black-color;
Although there is variable.ts which has SASS variables as module.
// variables.ts
import themeVariables from "./scss/_variables.module.scss";
type ThemeVariables = {
whiteColor: string;
darkColor: string;
lightColor: string;
mediumColor: string;
alertColor: string;
lightBlackColor: string;
blackColor: string;
export default themeVariables as ThemeVariables;
You can customize MUI by using MaterialUITemplate. Its constants are based on theme colors whichs are exist on variables.
// MaterialUITheme.ts
import themeVariables from "./variables";
export const materialUITheme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: themeVariables.mediumColor,
There are 5 mixins as initial. They manage responsive style properties. New mixins can be added here.
// _mixins.scss
@mixin tiny-device {
@media (max-width: $tiny-device-width) {
@mixin small-device {
@media (max-width: $small-device-width) {
@mixin regular-device {
@media (max-width: $regular-device-width) {
@mixin big-device {
@media (max-width: $big-device-width) {
@mixin large-device {
@media (min-width: $large-device-width) {
BEM method can be used on class naming. Index SASS file should be imported on Component and View SASS files.
// Login.scss
@import "index.scss";
#login {
Utilities helper functions and methods can be defined in this folder.
Yup validations and Form Schemas are being shared from this folder.
// LoginSchema.ts
import * as yup from "yup";
export const LoginSchema = yup.object().shape({
username: yup.string().required(),
password: yup.string().required(),
export type LoginSchemaInputs = yup.InferType<typeof LoginSchema>;
Yup.InferType inherits from schema. Its type will be like below one.
type LoginSchemaInputs = {
[x: string]: never;
username: string;
password: string;
Views(Containers) simply mean as routes. There are 2 views as initial. Home and Login components. View props has generic type from RouterComponentProps. Please check the code block.
// Login.tsx
type LoginParams = {};
type LoginProps = RouteComponentProps<LoginParams>;
const Login: FunctionComponent<LoginProps> = () => {
Can be run tests with:
npm test
yarn test
Right now, there is issue with MaterialUI and test runs. Will be fixed later.