A lightweight, stable, and performance-focused customized version of Windows that enhances privacy and compatibility
これからApache Icebergを学びたい人向けの実践的なハンズオンです。コンテナが動く端末1台で始められます
A curated list of awesome open source workflow engines
Moralerspace は、欧文フォント Monaspace と日本語フォント IBM Plex Sans JP 等を合成したプログラミング向けフォントです。
Chat-based SQL Client and Editor for the next decade
OpenMetadata is a unified metadata platform for data discovery, data observability, and data governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth column level lineage, and seamless team co…
Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (
An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
A collection of themes for vim-airline
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see…
Windows kernel-mode driver emulating well-known USB game controllers.
gonutz / w32
Forked from AllenDang/w32A wrapper of Windows APIs for the Go Programming Language.
One-click install for getting double movement in Fortnite.
🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system.
Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme.
A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure.
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
panicwrap is a Go library for catching and handling panics in Go applications.
A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
A simple programming language written for book "A new scripting language in two weeks"