Monolith Software Inc.
- Fujisawa
- http://twitter.com/yuya
The official repository is hosted on https://gitlab.com/bramw/baserow. Baserow is an open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative.
FontGoggles: Visual OTL Preview and QA
Replacement for MacOS' volume, brightness and keyboard backlight HUDs.
drecom / stats.js
Forked from mrdoob/stats.jsJavaScript Performance Monitor
RHRE – A playable, custom remix editor for the Rhythm Heaven series
tower diffense example made with PIXI.js
Upload the screenshot to github. Then, embed tags in your clipboard.(jp:クリップボードの画像をGithubにアップロードして、貼り付けタグをクリップボードに埋め込みます)
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Slack/GitHub/Trello emoji for your mac! 😁 💥 💻
An OAuth2 library for Google Apps Script.
Chrome DevTools packaged as an app via Electron
Google Apps Scriptで書かれたSlack用勤怠管理Botの「みやもとさん」
A multi format lossless image optimizer that uses external tools
A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
CocosSharp is a C# implementation of the Cocos2D and Cocos3D APIs that runs on any platform where MonoGame runs.
Glue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites