Download apache (httpd-2.4.57-win64-VS17)
extract c:\apache24
cd c:\apache24\bin\
Command to start Apache - httpd.exe -k install
Command to start Apache - httpd.exe -k start
install vs build tools
run the below command for create environment variable
set "MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR=C:\Apache24" to activate the virtual environment
activate venv
to install mod_wsgi
"pip install mod_wsgi"
execute the below command and paste the result in apache config file
mod_wsgi-express module-config
optional edit ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', ''] add your domain name or '*' to allow all domains.
the sample httpd.conf file available in the repositry.
create virtual environment -> python -m venv venv ->activate-> venv\Scripts\activate
install django - > pip install django
create django project -> django-admin startproject daefodil
-> cd daefodil
Create Application inside your project folder -> python startapp daefodilapp
Create Application inside your project folder -> python startapp API
pip install -U -r requirement.txt
db import
File backup replace