This is a playground both for learning angular, also being used as personal photo album online(hosted somewhere else).
- demo site:
- backend(separated repo, see bottom) MongoDB + core webapi + oData
- tree like folder structure of photos, videos and sound files
- logg-in user can have admin feature
- pagination of photos thumbnail display
- filter by tag(supported by oData)
- full image viewing and slide forward and backward.
- responsive UI (Flex layout)
- Angular Material
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8(updated to 10).
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
serve with different environment.ts,
- in non-prod, the backend is hosted at http://localhost + /MyPhotos/ + path of each service.
- in prod, the backend is hosted at same domain's root + /MyPhotos/ + path of each service.
- source:
- after upload files to MyPhotoSettings/RootFolder specified in appsettings.json, go to Your Host/MyPhotos/swagger/index.html
- call the ingest POST api in swagger to create thumbnail and folder structures in db
- see the photo and videos in front end, and play with them.