Reading list for research topics in embodied vision
Hierarchical Object-to-Zone Graph for Object Navigation (ICCV 2021)
Layout-based Causal Inference for Object Navigation (CVPR 2023)
GMAN: Generative Meta-Adversarial Network for Unseen Object Navigation (ECCV 2022)
yxgz / LatentGoal-1
Forked from LAHAproject/LatentGoalCode accompanying the IEEE WACV 2022 paper "Action anticipation using latent goal learning"
[ECCV 2020] Temporal Aggregate Representations for Long-Range Video Understanding
Code release for ICCV 2021 paper "Anticipative Video Transformer"
Temporal Segment Networks (TSN) in PyTorch
Code for the Paper: Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella. What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention. International Conferen…
ICCV2021/2019/2017 论文/代码/解读/直播合集,极市团队整理
🍴 Annotations for the EPIC KITCHENS-55 Dataset.
Coding the Machine Learning Tutorial for Learning to Learn
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) in paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Code for VideoCapsuleNet: A Simplified Network for Action Detection