serverless-k8s-examples Public
Forked from AliyunContainerService/serverless-k8s-examplesServerless Kubernetes Examples on Alibaba Cloud
1 UpdatedMay 7, 2018 -
charts Public
Forked from helm/chartsCurated applications for Kubernetes
fission Public
Forked from fission/fissionFast Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
pipeline Public
Forked from banzaicloud/pipelineRESTful API to provision or reuse managed Kubernetes clusters in the cloud and deploy, CI/CD cloud native apps
k8s-deployment-strategies Public
Forked from ContainerSolutions/k8s-deployment-strategiesKubernetes deployment strategies explained
project-layout Public
Forked from golang-standards/project-layoutStandard Go Project Layout
js-sequence-diagrams Public
Forked from bramp/js-sequence-diagramsDraws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
hugo-handbook Public
Building static website with hugo - https://jimmysong.io/hugo-handbook
workflow Public
Forked from deis/workflowThe open source PaaS for Kubernetes.
aliyungo Public
Forked from denverdino/aliyungoGo SDK for Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud) - Golang API for ECS, OSS, DNS, SLB, RDS, RAM, MNS, STS, SLS, MQ, Push, OpenSearch, DM, Container Service etc.
kubernetes Public
Forked from AliyunContainerService/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
qingcloud-api-java-wrapper Public
Forked from fit2cloud-backup/qingcloud-api-java-wrapper青云QingCloud API的Java封装库(SDK)
kit Public
Forked from go-kit/kitA standard library for microservices.
cow Public
Forked from cyfdecyf/cowHTTP proxy written in Go. COW can automatically identify blocked sites and use parent proxies to access.
go-semver Public
Forked from coreos/go-semversemver library in Go
k8s-exec-plugin Public
Forked from projectcalico/k8s-exec-plugin[Deprecated] Kubernetes Exec Plugin
ksyun-api-java-wrapper Public
Forked from fit2cloud-backup/ksyun-api-java-wrapperKSYun Java SDK, ksyun api java wrapper
gexpect Public
Forked from coreos/gexpectPure golang expect library, for easily starting and controlling subprocesses
qcloud-api-java-wrapper Public
Forked from fit2cloud-backup/qcloud-api-java-wrapper腾讯云API的Java封装库(SDK)
ansible-shell Public
Forked from dominis/ansible-shellInteractive ansible shell
pynginxconfig Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pynginxconfig
libucl Public
Forked from vstakhov/libuclUniversal configuration library parser
hcl Public
Forked from hashicorp/hclHCL is a configuration language.
nginx-java-parser Public
Forked from odiszapc/nginx-java-parserNginx configuration parser based on ANTLR4 grammar
todolist-mvc Public
Forked from fmbenhassine/todolist-mvcHelping you select a Java MVC framework
gentelella Public
Forked from ColorlibHQ/gentelellaadmin template
gotty Public
Forked from yudai/gottyShare your terminal as a web application