/ | __________________
/ /| | / ___/ ___/ / / __ \
/ ___ |(__ ) /__/ / / /_/ /
/_/ |_/____/\___/_/_/\____/
$> asciio [file.asciio] # GUI application using Gtk3
$> tasciio [file.asciio] # TUI application
$> asciio_to_text file.asciio # converts asciio files to ASCII
Asciio allows you to draw ASCII diagrams in a GUI or TUI. The diagrams can be saved as ASCII text or in a format that allows you to modify them later.
Diagrams consist of boxes and text elements connected by arrows. Boxes stay connected when you move them around.
Both GUI and TUI have vim-like bindings, the GUI has a few extra bindings that are usually found in GUI applications; bindings can be modified.
To list the bindings: $> perldoc App:Asciio.
| ........................................................... |
| ..........-------------..------------..--------------...... |
| .........| stencils > || asciio > || box |..... |
| .........| Rulers > || computer > || text |..... |
| .........| File > || people > || wirl_arrow |..... |
grid----->......'-------------'| divers > || axis |..... |
| ..................^.....'------------'| ... |..... |
| ..................|...................'--------------'..... |
| ..................|........................................ |
context menu access some commands
most are accessed through the keyboard
You can export to a file in ASCII by using a '.txt' file extension.
You can also export the selection, in ASCII, to the Primary clipboard.
| title |
.----------. |----------| ************
| | | body 1 | * *
'----------' | body 2 | ************
any text
(\_/) |
text (O.o) <------'
(> <)
/ a == b \ __________
( && ) \ \
\ 'string' ne '' / ) process )
'--------------' /_________/
For simple elements, put your design in a box, with or without a frame.
The an "exec-box" object that lets you put the output of an external application in a box, in the example below the table is generated, if you already have text in a file you can use 'cat your_file' as the command.
| input_size ‖ algorithmA | algorithmB | algorithmC |
| 1 ‖ 206.4 sec. | 206.4 sec. | 0.02 sec. |
| 4 ‖ 900 sec. | 431.1 sec. | 0.08 sec. |
| 250 ‖ - | 80 min. | 2.27 sec. |
Rotating the end clockwise or counter-clockwise changes its direction.
| ^
| -----. \
'------ | \
------> | '-------
A set of whirl arrows connected to each other.
.----------. .
| | \ / \
.-------' ^ \ / \
| .-----------> \ ' .
| '----. \ /
| | \ /
'--------' '------'
-------. .-------
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
------' '-------
| ^
| /
| /
.---. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---.
OS API '---' '---' '---' '---' '---' '---'
| | | | | |
v v | v | v
.------------. | .-----------. | .-----.
| Filesystem | | | Scheduler | | | MMU |
'------------' | '-----------' | '-----'
| | | |
v | | v
.----. | | .---------.
| IO |<----' | | Network |
'----' | '---------'
| | |
v v v
| HAL |
Something::Else /
\ .----Base::Class::Derived_C
\ /
' \
/ '----Latest::Greatest
| ___ |
|| ||
||___|| load
| ooo |--.------------------.------------------------.
'_____' | | |
v v v
.----------. .--------------------------. .----------------.
| module C | | module A | | module B |
'----------' |--------------------------| | (instrumented) |
| | .-----. | '----------------'
'---------------->| A.o | | |
| '-----' | |
| .------------------. | |
| | A.instrumented.o |<-------------'
| '------------------' |
You can call Asciio from vim and insert your diagram.
map <leader><leader>a :call TAsciio()<cr>
function! TAsciio()
let line = getline('.')
let tempn = tempname()
let tempnt = tempn . '.txt'
let temp = shellescape(tempn)
let tempt = shellescape(tempnt)
exec "normal i Asciio_file:" . tempn . "\<Esc>"
if ! has("gui_running")
exec "silent !mkdir -p $(dirname " . temp . ")"
exec "silent !cp ~/.config/Asciio/templates/empty.asciio ". temp . "; tasciio " . temp . "; asciio_to_text " . temp . " >" . tempt
exec "read " . tempnt
Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda
Qin Qing
[email protected]
Unicode support, scroll bar, and rhombus object