- Isaac Gym: High Performance GPU-Based Physics Simulation For Robot Learning: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10470
- Transferring Dexterous Manipulation from GPU Simulation to a Remote Real-World TriFinger: https://s2r2-ig.github.io/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09779
- Is Independent Learning All You Need in the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge? https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.09533
Implemented in Pytorch:
- PPO with the support of asymmetric actor-critic variant
- Support of end-to-end GPU accelerated training pipeline with Isaac Gym and Brax
- Masked actions support
- Multi-agent training, decentralized and centralized critic variants
- Self-play
Implemented in Tensorflow 1.x (was removed in this version):
- Rainbow DQN
- A2C
For maximum training performance a preliminary installation of Pytorch 1.9+ with CUDA 11.1 is highly recommended:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.htm
pip install rl-games
To run Atari games or Box2d based environments training they need to be additionally installed with pip install gym[atari]
or pip install gym[box2d]
NVIDIA Isaac Gym
Download and follow the installation instructions from https://developer.nvidia.com/isaac-gym
Run from python/rlgpu
python rlg_train.py --task Ant --headless
python rlg_train.py --task Ant --play --checkpoint nn/Ant.pth --num_envs 100
python rlg_train.py --task Humanoid --headless
python rlg_train.py --task Humanoid --play --checkpoint nn/Humanoid.pth --num_envs 100
Shadow Hand block orientation task
python rlg_train.py --task ShadowHand --headless
python rlg_train.py --task ShadowHand --play --checkpoint nn/ShadowHand.pth --num_envs 100
Atari Pong
python runner.py --train --file rl_games/configs/atari/ppo_pong.yaml
python runner.py --play --file rl_games/configs/atari/ppo_pong.yaml --checkpoint nn/PongNoFrameskip.pth
Brax Ant
python runner.py --train --file rl_games/configs/brax/ppo_ant.yaml
python runner.py --play --file rl_games/configs/brax/ppo_ant.yaml --checkpoint nn/Ant_brax.pth
Field | Example Value | Default | Description |
seed | 8 | None | Seed for pytorch, numpy etc. |
algo | Algorithm block. | ||
name | a2c_continuous | None | Algorithm name. Possible values are: sac, a2c_discrete, a2c_continuous |
model | Model block. | ||
name | continuous_a2c_logstd | None | Possible values: continuous_a2c ( expects sigma to be (0, +inf), continuous_a2c_logstd ( expects sigma to be (-inf, +inf), a2c_discrete, a2c_multi_discrete |
network | Network description. | ||
name | actor_critic | Possible values: actor_critic or soft_actor_critic. | |
separate | False | Whether use or not separate network with same same architecture for critic. In almost all cases if you normalize value it is better to have it False | |
space | Network space | ||
continuous | continuous or discrete | ||
mu_activation | None | Activation for mu. In almost all cases None works the best, but we may try tanh. | |
sigma_activation | None | Activation for sigma. Will be threated as log(sigma) or sigma depending on model. | |
mu_init | Initializer for mu. | ||
name | default | ||
sigma_init | Initializer for sigma. if you are using logstd model good value is 0. | ||
name | const_initializer | ||
val | 0 | ||
fixed_sigma | True | If true then sigma vector doesn't depend on input. | |
cnn | Convolution block. | ||
type | conv2d | Type: right now two types supported: conv2d or conv1d | |
activation | elu | activation between conv layers. | |
initializer | Initialier. I took some names from the tensorflow. | ||
name | glorot_normal_initializer | initializer name | |
gain | 1.4142 | Additional parameter. | |
convs | Convolution layers. Same parameters as we have in torch. | ||
filters | 32 | Number of filters. | |
kernel_size | 8 | Kernel size. | |
strides | 4 | Strides | |
padding | 0 | Padding | |
filters | 64 | Next convolution layer info. | |
kernel_size | 4 | ||
strides | 2 | ||
padding | 0 | ||
filters | 64 | ||
kernel_size | 3 | ||
strides | 1 | ||
padding | 0 | ||
mlp | MLP Block. Convolution is supported too. See other config examples. | ||
units | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit. | ||
d2rl | False | Use d2rl architecture from https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.09163. | |
activation | elu | Activations between dense layers. | |
initializer | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit b'duis'. | ||
name | default | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit b'urna' b'mi'. | |
rnn | RNN block. | ||
name | lstm | RNN Layer name. lstm and gru are supported. | |
units | 256 | Number of units. | |
layers | 1 | Number of layers | |
before_mlp | False | False | Apply rnn before mlp block or not. |
config | RL Config block. | ||
reward_shaper | Reward Shaper. Can apply simple transformations. | ||
min_val | -1 | You can apply min_val, max_val, scale and shift. | |
scale_value | 0.1 | 1 | |
normalize_advantage | True | True | Normalize Advantage. |
gamma | 0.995 | Reward Discount | |
tau | 0.95 | Lambda for GAE. Called tau by mistake long time ago because lambda is keyword in python :( | |
learning_rate | 3e-4 | Learning rate. | |
name | walker | Name which will be used in tensorboard. | |
save_best_after | 10 | How many epochs to wait before start saving checkpoint with best score. | |
score_to_win | 300 | If score is >=value then this value training will stop. | |
grad_norm | 1.5 | Grad norm. Applied if truncate_grads is True. Good value is in (1.0, 10.0) | |
entropy_coef | 0 | Entropy coefficient. Good value for continuous space is 0. For discrete is 0.02 | |
truncate_grads | True | Apply truncate grads or not. It stabilizes training. | |
env_name | BipedalWalker-v3 | Envinronment name. | |
ppo | True | True | Use ppo loss or actor critic. Should be always true. |
e_clip | 0.2 | clip parameter for ppo loss. | |
clip_value | False | Apply clip to the value loss. If you are using normalize_value you don't need it. | |
num_actors | 16 | Number of running actors. | |
horizon_length | 4096 | Horizon length per each actor. Total number of steps will be num_actors*horizon_length * num_agents (if env is not MA num_agents==1). | |
minibatch_size | 8192 | Minibatch size. total number number of steps must be divisible by minibatch size. | |
mini_epochs | 4 | Number of miniepochs. Good value is in [1,10] | |
critic_coef | 2 | Critic coef. by default critic_loss= critic_coef * 1/2 * MSE. | |
lr_schedule | adaptive | None | Scheduler type. Could be None, linear or adaptive. Adaptive is the best for continuous. |
schedule_type | standard | if schedule is adaptive there are a few places where we can change LR based on KL. If you standard it will be changed every miniepoch. | |
kl_threshold | 0.008 | KL threshould for adaptive schedule. if KL < kl_threshold/2 lr = lr * 1.5 and opposite. | |
normalize_input | True | Apply running mean std for input. | |
bounds_loss_coef | 0.0 | Coefficient to the auxiary loss for continuous space. | |
max_epochs | 10000 | Maximum number of epochs to run. | |
normalize_value | True | Use value running mean std normalization. | |
use_diagnostics | True | Adds more information into the tensorboard. | |
value_bootstrap | True | Bootstraping value when episode is finished. Very useful for different locomotion envs. | |
bound_loss_type | 'regularisation' | None | Adds aux loss for continuous case. 'regularisation' is the sum of sqaured actions. 'bound' is the sam of actions higher than 1.1. |
bounds_loss_coef | 0.0005 | 0 | Regularisation coefficient |
player | Player configuration block. | ||
render | True | False | Render environment |
determenistic | True | True | Use deterministic policy ( argmax or mu) or stochastic. |
games_num | 200 | Number of games to run in the player mode. | |
env_config | Env configuration block. It goes directly to the environment. This example was take for my atari wrapper. | ||
skip | 4 | Number of frames to skip | |
name | 'BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4' | Name of exact atari env. Of course depending on your env this parameters may be different. |
simple test network
This network takes dictionary observation.
To register it you can add code in your init.py
from rl_games.envs.test_network import TestNetBuilder
from rl_games.algos_torch import model_builder
model_builder.register_network('testnet', TestNetBuilder)
simple test environment example environment
Additional environment supported properties and functions
Field | Default Value | Description |
use_central_value | 200 | If true than returned obs is expected to be dict with 'obs' and 'state' |
value_size | 1 | Shape of the returned rewards. Network wil support multihead value automatically. |
concat_infos | False | Should default vecenv convert list of dicts to the dicts of lists. Very usefull if you want to use value_boostrapping. in this case you need to always return 'time_outs' : True or False, from the env. |
get_number_of_agents(self) | 1 | Returns number of agents in the environment |
has_action_mask(self) | False | Returns True if environment has invalid actions mask. |
get_action_mask(self) | None | Returns action masks if has_action_mask is true. Good example is SMAC Env |
- Fixed SAC not working
- Simplified rnn implementation. Works a little bit slower but much more stable.
- Now central value can be non-rnn if policy is rnn.
- Removed load_checkpoint from the yaml file. now --checkpoint works for both train and play.
- Added Swish (SILU) and GELU activations, it can improve Isaac Gym results for some of the envs.
- Removed tensorflow and made initial cleanup of the old/unused code.
- Simplified runner.
- Now networks are created in the algos with load_network method.
- Fixed crash in a play (test) mode in player, when simulation and rl_devices are not the same.
- Fixed variuos multi gpu errors.
- Fixed crash when running single Isaac Gym environment in a play (test) mode.
- Added config parameter
for switching off internal action clipping and rescaling
- Added to pypi:
pip install rl-games
- Added reporting env (sim) step fps, without policy inference. Improved naming.
- Renames in yaml config for better readability: steps_num to horizon_length amd lr_threshold to kl_threshold
- Some of the supported envs are not installed with setup.py, you need to manually install them
- Starting from rl-games 1.1.0 old yaml configs won't be compatible with the new version:
should be changed tohorizon_length
- Running a single environment with Isaac Gym can cause crash, if it happens switch to at least 2 environments simulated in parallel