Tags: z-fork/tornado
Tornado 4.2.1 Jul 17, 2015 ------------ Security fix ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This release fixes a path traversal vulnerability in `.StaticFileHandler`, in which files whose names *started with* the ``static_path`` directory but were not actually *in* that directory could be accessed.
What's new in Tornado 4.2 ========================= May 26, 2015 ------------ Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * Certificate validation will now use the system CA root certificates instead of ``certifi`` when possible (i.e. Python 2.7.9+ or 3.4+). This includes `.IOStream` and ``simple_httpclient``, but not ``curl_httpclient``. * The default SSL configuration has become stricter, using `ssl.create_default_context` where available on the client side. (On the server side, applications are encouraged to migrate from the ``ssl_options`` dict-based API to pass an `ssl.SSLContext` instead). * The deprecated classes in the `tornado.auth` module, ``GoogleMixin``, ``FacebookMixin``, and ``FriendFeedMixin`` have been removed. New modules: `tornado.locks` and `tornado.queues` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These modules provide classes for coordinating coroutines, merged from `Toro <http://toro.readthedocs.org>`_. To port your code from Toro's queues to Tornado 4.2, import `.Queue`, `.PriorityQueue`, or `.LifoQueue` from `tornado.queues` instead of from ``toro``. Use `.Queue` instead of Toro's ``JoinableQueue``. In Tornado the methods `~.Queue.join` and `~.Queue.task_done` are available on all queues, not on a special ``JoinableQueue``. Tornado queues raise exceptions specific to Tornado instead of reusing exceptions from the Python standard library. Therefore instead of catching the standard `queue.Empty` exception from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch the special `tornado.queues.QueueEmpty` exception, and instead of catching the standard `queue.Full` from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch `tornado.queues.QueueFull`. To port from Toro's locks to Tornado 4.2, import `.Condition`, `.Event`, `.Semaphore`, `.BoundedSemaphore`, or `.Lock` from `tornado.locks` instead of from ``toro``. Toro's ``Semaphore.wait`` allowed a coroutine to wait for the semaphore to be unlocked *without* acquiring it. This encouraged unorthodox patterns; in Tornado, just use `~.Semaphore.acquire`. Toro's ``Event.wait`` raised a ``Timeout`` exception after a timeout. In Tornado, `.Event.wait` raises `tornado.gen.TimeoutError`. Toro's ``Condition.wait`` also raised ``Timeout``, but in Tornado, the `.Future` returned by `.Condition.wait` resolves to False after a timeout:: @gen.coroutine def await_notification(): if not (yield condition.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=1))): print('timed out') else: print('condition is true') In lock and queue methods, wherever Toro accepted ``deadline`` as a keyword argument, Tornado names the argument ``timeout`` instead. Toro's ``AsyncResult`` is not merged into Tornado, nor its exceptions ``NotReady`` and ``AlreadySet``. Use a `.Future` instead. If you wrote code like this:: from tornado import gen import toro result = toro.AsyncResult() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result.get() print(value) # Prints "1". Then the Tornado equivalent is:: from tornado import gen from tornado.concurrent import Future result = Future() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set_result(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result print(value) # Prints "1". `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved compatibility with Windows. * Fixed a bug in Python 3 if a module was imported during a reload check. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.run_on_executor` now accepts arguments to control which attributes it uses to find the `.IOLoop` and executor. `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug that would cause the client to stop processing requests if an exception occurred in certain places while there is a queue. `tornado.escape` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.xhtml_escape` now supports numeric character references in hex format (`` ``) `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.WaitIterator` no longer uses weak references, which fixes several garbage-collection-related bugs. * `tornado.gen.Multi` and `tornado.gen.multi_future` (which are used when yielding a list or dict in a coroutine) now log any exceptions after the first if more than one `.Future` fails (previously they would be logged when the `.Future` was garbage-collected, but this is more reliable). Both have a new keyword argument ``quiet_exceptions`` to suppress logging of certain exception types; to use this argument you must call ``Multi`` or ``multi_future`` directly instead of simply yielding a list. * `.multi_future` now works when given multiple copies of the same `.Future`. * On Python 3, catching an exception in a coroutine no longer leads to leaks via ``Exception.__context__``. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``raise_error`` argument now works correctly with the synchronous `.HTTPClient`. * The synchronous `.HTTPClient` no longer interferes with `.IOLoop.current()`. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` is now a subclass of `tornado.util.Configurable`. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPHeaders` can now be copied with `copy.copy` and `copy.deepcopy`. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `.IOLoop` constructor now has a ``make_current`` keyword argument to control whether the new `.IOLoop` becomes `.IOLoop.current()`. * Third-party implementations of `.IOLoop` should accept ``**kwargs`` in their `~.IOLoop.initialize` methods and pass them to the superclass implementation. * `.PeriodicCallback` is now more efficient when the clock jumps forward by a large amount. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * New method `.SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake` allows server-side applications to wait for the handshake to complete in order to verify client certificates or use NPN/ALPN. * The `.Future` returned by ``SSLIOStream.connect`` now resolves after the handshake is complete instead of as soon as the TCP connection is established. * Reduced logging of SSL errors. * `.BaseIOStream.read_until_close` now works correctly when a ``streaming_callback`` is given but ``callback`` is None (i.e. when it returns a `.Future`) `tornado.locale` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.GettextLocale.pgettext` allows additional context to be supplied for gettext translations. `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.define_logging_options` now works correctly when given a non-default ``options`` object. `tornado.process` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.Subprocess.wait_for_exit` is a coroutine-friendly version of `.Subprocess.set_exit_callback`. `tornado.simple_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved performance on Python 3 by reusing a single `ssl.SSLContext`. * New constructor argument ``max_body_size`` controls the maximum response size the client is willing to accept. It may be bigger than ``max_buffer_size`` if ``streaming_callback`` is used. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer.handle_stream` may be a coroutine (so that any exceptions it raises will be logged). `tornado.util` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.import_object` now supports unicode strings on Python 2. * `.Configurable.initialize` now supports positional arguments. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Key versioning support for cookie signing. ``cookie_secret`` application setting can now contain a dict of valid keys with version as key. The current signing key then must be specified via ``key_version`` setting. * Parsing of the ``If-None-Match`` header now follows the RFC and supports weak validators. * Passing ``secure=False`` or ``httponly=False`` to `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` now works as expected (previously only the presence of the argument was considered and its value was ignored). * `.RequestHandler.get_arguments` now requires that its ``strip`` argument be of type bool. This helps prevent errors caused by the slightly dissimilar interfaces between the singular and plural methods. * Errors raised in ``_handle_request_exception`` are now logged more reliably. * `.RequestHandler.redirect` now works correctly when called from a handler whose path begins with two slashes. * Passing messages containing ``%`` characters to `tornado.web.HTTPError` no longer causes broken error messages. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``on_close`` method will no longer be called more than once. * When the other side closes a connection, we now echo the received close code back instead of sending an empty close frame.
What's new in Tornado 4.1 ========================= Feb 7, 2015 ----------- Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * If a `.Future` contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the `.Future`), a stack trace will be logged when the `.Future` is garbage-collected. * New class `tornado.gen.WaitIterator` provides a way to iterate over ``Futures`` in the order they resolve. * The `tornado.websocket` module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override `.WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options` to enable on the server side, and use the ``compression_options`` keyword argument to `.websocket_connect` on the client side. * When the appropriate packages are installed, it is possible to yield `asyncio.Future` or Twisted ``Defered`` objects in Tornado coroutines. Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` now calls ``start_request`` with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate` by following the example of `.Application` instead of the documented method signatures. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * If a `.Future` contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the `.Future`), a stack trace will be logged when the `.Future` is garbage-collected. * `.Future` now catches and logs exceptions in its callbacks. ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now supports request bodies for ``PATCH`` and custom methods. * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now supports resubmitting bodies after following redirects for methods other than ``POST``. * ``curl_httpclient`` now runs the streaming and header callbacks on the IOLoop. * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now uses its own logger for debug output so it can be filtered more easily. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New class `tornado.gen.WaitIterator` provides a way to iterate over ``Futures`` in the order they resolve. * When the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available (standard on Python 3.4, available via ``pip install singledispatch`` on older versions), the `.convert_yielded` function can be used to make other kinds of objects yieldable in coroutines. * New function `tornado.gen.sleep` is a coroutine-friendly analogue to `time.sleep`. * `.gen.engine` now correctly captures the stack context for its callbacks. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest` accepts a new argument ``raise_error=False`` to suppress the default behavior of raising an error for non-200 response codes. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` now calls ``start_request`` with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate` by following the example of `.Application` instead of the documented method signatures. * `.HTTPServer` now tolerates extra newlines which are sometimes inserted between requests on keep-alive connections. * `.HTTPServer` can now use keep-alive connections after a request with a chunked body. * `.HTTPServer` now always reports ``HTTP/1.1`` instead of echoing the request version. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New function `tornado.httputil.split_host_and_port` for parsing the ``netloc`` portion of URLs. * The ``context`` argument to `.HTTPServerRequest` is now optional, and if a context is supplied the ``remote_ip`` attribute is also optional. * `.HTTPServerRequest.body` is now always a byte string (previously the default empty body would be a unicode string on python 3). * Header parsing now works correctly when newline-like unicode characters are present. * Header parsing again supports both CRLF and bare LF line separators. * Malformed ``multipart/form-data`` bodies will always be logged quietly instead of raising an unhandled exception; previously the behavior was inconsistent depending on the exact error. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``kqueue`` and ``select`` IOLoop implementations now report writeability correctly, fixing flow control in IOStream. * When a new `.IOLoop` is created, it automatically becomes "current" for the thread if there is not already a current instance. * New method `.PeriodicCallback.is_running` can be used to see whether the `.PeriodicCallback` has been started. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.IOStream.start_tls` now uses the ``server_hostname`` parameter for certificate validation. * `.SSLIOStream` will no longer consume 100% CPU after certain error conditions. * `.SSLIOStream` no longer logs ``EBADF`` errors during the handshake as they can result from nmap scans in certain modes. `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `~tornado.options.parse_config_file` now always decodes the config file as utf8 on Python 3. * `tornado.options.define` more accurately finds the module defining the option. ``tornado.platform.asyncio`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to yield ``asyncio.Future`` objects in coroutines when the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available and ``tornado.platform.asyncio`` has been imported. * New methods `tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future` and `~tornado.platform.asyncio.to_asyncio_future` convert between the two libraries' `.Future` classes. ``tornado.platform.twisted`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to yield ``Deferred`` objects in coroutines when the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available and ``tornado.platform.twisted`` has been imported. `tornado.tcpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPClient` will no longer raise an exception due to an ill-timed timeout. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer` no longer ignores its ``read_chunk_size`` argument. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.AsyncTestCase` has better support for multiple exceptions. Previously it would silently swallow all but the last; now it raises the first and logs all the rest. * `.AsyncTestCase` now cleans up `.Subprocess` state on ``tearDown`` when necessary. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `.asynchronous` decorator now understands `concurrent.futures.Future` in addition to `tornado.concurrent.Future`. * `.StaticFileHandler` no longer logs a stack trace if the connection is closed while sending the file. * `.RequestHandler.send_error` now supports a ``reason`` keyword argument, similar to `tornado.web.HTTPError`. * `.RequestHandler.locale` now has a property setter. * `.Application.add_handlers` hostname matching now works correctly with IPv6 literals. * Redirects for the `.Application` ``default_host`` setting now match the request protocol instead of redirecting HTTPS to HTTP. * Malformed ``_xsrf`` cookies are now ignored instead of causing uncaught exceptions. * ``Application.start_request`` now has the same signature as `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate.start_request`. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `tornado.websocket` module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override `.WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options` to enable on the server side, and use the ``compression_options`` keyword argument to `.websocket_connect` on the client side. * `.WebSocketHandler` no longer logs stack traces when the connection is closed. * `.WebSocketHandler.open` now accepts ``*args, **kw`` for consistency with ``RequestHandler.get`` and related methods. * The ``Sec-WebSocket-Version`` header now includes all supported versions. * `.websocket_connect` now has a ``on_message_callback`` keyword argument for callback-style use without ``read_message()``.
What's new in Tornado 4.0.2 =========================== Sept 10, 2014 ------------- Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause a timeout to fire after being cancelled. * `.AsyncTestCase` once again passes along arguments to test methods, making it compatible with extensions such as Nose's test generators. * `.StaticFileHandler` can again compress its responses when gzip is enabled. * ``simple_httpclient`` passes its ``max_buffer_size`` argument to the underlying stream. * Fixed a reference cycle that can lead to increased memory consumption. * `.add_accept_handler` will now limit the number of times it will call `~socket.socket.accept` per `.IOLoop` iteration, addressing a potential starvation issue. * Improved error handling in `.IOStream.connect` (primarily for FreeBSD systems)
What's new in Tornado 4.0.1 =========================== Aug 12, 2014 ------------ * The build will now fall back to pure-python mode if the C extension fails to build for any reason (previously it would fall back for some errors but not others). * `.IOLoop.call_at` and `.IOLoop.call_later` now always return a timeout handle for use with `.IOLoop.remove_timeout`. * If any callback of a `.PeriodicCallback` or `.IOStream` returns a `.Future`, any error raised in that future will now be logged (similar to the behavior of `.IOLoop.add_callback`). * Fixed an exception in client-side websocket connections when the connection is closed. * ``simple_httpclient`` once again correctly handles 204 status codes with no content-length header. * Fixed a regression in ``simple_httpclient`` that would result in timeouts for certain kinds of errors.
What's new in Tornado 4.0 ========================= July 15, 2014 ------------- Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * The `tornado.web.stream_request_body` decorator allows large files to be uploaded with limited memory usage. * Coroutines are now faster and are used extensively throughout Tornado itself. More methods now return `Futures <.Future>`, including most `.IOStream` methods and `.RequestHandler.flush`. * Many user-overridden methods are now allowed to return a `.Future` for flow control. * HTTP-related code is now shared between the `tornado.httpserver`, ``tornado.simple_httpclient`` and `tornado.wsgi` modules, making support for features such as chunked and gzip encoding more consistent. `.HTTPServer` now uses new delegate interfaces defined in `tornado.httputil` in addition to its old single-callback interface. * New module `tornado.tcpclient` creates TCP connections with non-blocking DNS, SSL handshaking, and support for IPv6. Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.concurrent.Future` is no longer thread-safe; use `concurrent.futures.Future` when thread-safety is needed. * Tornado now depends on the `certifi <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certifi>`_ package instead of bundling its own copy of the Mozilla CA list. This will be installed automatically when using ``pip`` or ``easy_install``. * This version includes the changes to the secure cookie format first introduced in version :doc:`3.2.1 <v3.2.1>`, and the xsrf token change in version :doc:`3.2.2 <v3.2.2>`. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, see those versions' release notes. * WebSocket connections from other origin sites are now rejected by default. To accept cross-origin websocket connections, override the new method `.WebSocketHandler.check_origin`. * `.WebSocketHandler` no longer supports the old ``draft 76`` protocol (this mainly affects Safari 5.x browsers). Applications should use non-websocket workarounds for these browsers. * Authors of alternative `.IOLoop` implementations should see the changes to `.IOLoop.add_handler` in this release. * The ``RequestHandler.async_callback`` and ``WebSocketHandler.async_callback`` wrapper functions have been removed; they have been obsolete for a long time due to stack contexts (and more recently coroutines). * ``curl_httpclient`` now requires a minimum of libcurl version 7.21.1 and pycurl 7.18.2. * Support for ``RequestHandler.get_error_html`` has been removed; override `.RequestHandler.write_error` instead. Other notes ~~~~~~~~~~~ * The git repository has moved to https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado. All old links should be redirected to the new location. * An `announcement mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/python-tornado-announce>`_ is now available. * All Tornado modules are now importable on Google App Engine (although the App Engine environment does not allow the system calls used by `.IOLoop` so many modules are still unusable). `tornado.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug in `.FacebookMixin` on Python 3. * When using the `.Future` interface, exceptions are more reliably delivered to the caller. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.concurrent.Future` is now always thread-unsafe (previously it would be thread-safe if the `concurrent.futures` package was available). This improves performance and provides more consistent semantics. The parts of Tornado that accept Futures will accept both Tornado's thread-unsafe Futures and the thread-safe `concurrent.futures.Future`. * `tornado.concurrent.Future` now includes all the functionality of the old ``TracebackFuture`` class. ``TracebackFuture`` is now simply an alias for ``Future``. ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``curl_httpclient`` now passes along the HTTP "reason" string in ``response.reason``. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Performance of coroutines has been improved. * Coroutines no longer generate ``StackContexts`` by default, but they will be created on demand when needed. * The internals of the `tornado.gen` module have been rewritten to improve performance when using ``Futures``, at the expense of some performance degradation for the older `.YieldPoint` interfaces. * New function `.with_timeout` wraps a `.Future` and raises an exception if it doesn't complete in a given amount of time. * New object `.moment` can be yielded to allow the IOLoop to run for one iteration before resuming. * `.Task` is now a function returning a `.Future` instead of a `.YieldPoint` subclass. This change should be transparent to application code, but allows `.Task` to take advantage of the newly-optimized `.Future` handling. `tornado.http1connection` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New module contains the HTTP implementation shared by `tornado.httpserver` and ``tornado.simple_httpclient``. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The command-line HTTP client (``python -m tornado.httpclient $URL``) now works on Python 3. * Fixed a memory leak in `.AsyncHTTPClient` shutdown that affected applications that created many HTTP clients and IOLoops. * New client request parameter ``decompress_response`` replaces the existing ``use_gzip`` parameter; both names are accepted. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest`` has moved to `tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest`. * HTTP implementation has been unified with ``tornado.simple_httpclient`` in `tornado.http1connection`. * Now supports ``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` for request bodies. * Now supports ``Content-Encoding: gzip`` for request bodies if ``decompress_request=True`` is passed to the `.HTTPServer` constructor. * The ``connection`` attribute of `.HTTPServerRequest` is now documented for public use; applications are expected to write their responses via the `.HTTPConnection` interface. * The `.HTTPServerRequest.write` and `.HTTPServerRequest.finish` methods are now deprecated. (`.RequestHandler.write` and `.RequestHandler.finish` are *not* deprecated; this only applies to the methods on `.HTTPServerRequest`) * `.HTTPServer` now supports `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate` in addition to the old ``request_callback`` interface. The delegate interface supports streaming of request bodies. * `.HTTPServer` now detects the error of an application sending a ``Content-Length`` error that is inconsistent with the actual content. * New constructor arguments ``max_header_size`` and ``max_body_size`` allow separate limits to be set for different parts of the request. ``max_body_size`` is applied even in streaming mode. * New constructor argument ``chunk_size`` can be used to limit the amount of data read into memory at one time per request. * New constructor arguments ``idle_connection_timeout`` and ``body_timeout`` allow time limits to be placed on the reading of requests. * Form-encoded message bodies are now parsed for all HTTP methods, not just ``POST``, ``PUT``, and ``PATCH``. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServerRequest` was moved to this module from `tornado.httpserver`. * New base classes `.HTTPConnection`, `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate`, and `.HTTPMessageDelegate` define the interaction between applications and the HTTP implementation. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.IOLoop.add_handler` and related methods now accept file-like objects in addition to raw file descriptors. Passing the objects is recommended (when possible) to avoid a garbage-collection-related problem in unit tests. * New method `.IOLoop.clear_instance` makes it possible to uninstall the singleton instance. * Timeout scheduling is now more robust against slow callbacks. * `.IOLoop.add_timeout` is now a bit more efficient. * When a function run by the `.IOLoop` returns a `.Future` and that `.Future` has an exception, the `.IOLoop` will log the exception. * New method `.IOLoop.spawn_callback` simplifies the process of launching a fire-and-forget callback that is separated from the caller's stack context. * New methods `.IOLoop.call_later` and `.IOLoop.call_at` simplify the specification of relative or absolute timeouts (as opposed to `~.IOLoop.add_timeout`, which used the type of its argument). `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``callback`` argument to most `.IOStream` methods is now optional. When called without a callback the method will return a `.Future` for use with coroutines. * New method `.IOStream.start_tls` converts an `.IOStream` to an `.SSLIOStream`. * No longer gets confused when an ``IOError`` or ``OSError`` without an ``errno`` attribute is raised. * `.BaseIOStream.read_bytes` now accepts a ``partial`` keyword argument, which can be used to return before the full amount has been read. This is a more coroutine-friendly alternative to ``streaming_callback``. * `.BaseIOStream.read_until` and ``read_until_regex`` now acept a ``max_bytes`` keyword argument which will cause the request to fail if it cannot be satisfied from the given number of bytes. * `.IOStream` no longer reads from the socket into memory if it does not need data to satisfy a pending read. As a side effect, the close callback will not be run immediately if the other side closes the connection while there is unconsumed data in the buffer. * The default ``chunk_size`` has been increased to 64KB (from 4KB) * The `.IOStream` constructor takes a new keyword argument ``max_write_buffer_size`` (defaults to unlimited). Calls to `.BaseIOStream.write` will raise `.StreamBufferFullError` if the amount of unsent buffered data exceeds this limit. * ``ETIMEDOUT`` errors are no longer logged. If you need to distinguish timeouts from other forms of closed connections, examine ``stream.error`` from a close callback. `tornado.netutil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * When `.bind_sockets` chooses a port automatically, it will now use the same port for IPv4 and IPv6. * TLS compression is now disabled by default on Python 3.3 and higher (it is not possible to change this option in older versions). `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to disable the default logging configuration by setting ``options.logging`` to ``None`` instead of the string ``"none"``. `tornado.platform.asyncio` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Now works on Python 2.6. * Now works with Trollius version 0.3. `tornado.platform.twisted` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TwistedIOLoop` now works on Python 3.3+ (with Twisted 14.0.0+). ``tornado.simple_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``simple_httpclient`` has better support for IPv6, which is now enabled by default. * Improved default cipher suite selection (Python 2.7+). * HTTP implementation has been unified with ``tornado.httpserver`` in `tornado.http1connection` * Streaming request bodies are now supported via the ``body_producer`` keyword argument to `tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest`. * The ``expect_100_continue`` keyword argument to `tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest` allows the use of the HTTP ``Expect: 100-continue`` feature. * ``simple_httpclient`` now raises the original exception (e.g. an `IOError`) in more cases, instead of converting everything to ``HTTPError``. `tornado.stack_context` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The stack context system now has less performance overhead when no stack contexts are active. `tornado.tcpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New module which creates TCP connections and IOStreams, including name resolution, connecting, and SSL handshakes. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.AsyncTestCase` now attempts to detect test methods that are generators but were not run with ``@gen_test`` or any similar decorator (this would previously result in the test silently being skipped). * Better stack traces are now displayed when a test times out. * The ``@gen_test`` decorator now passes along ``*args, **kwargs`` so it can be used on functions with arguments. * Fixed the test suite when ``unittest2`` is installed on Python 3. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to support streaming request bodies with the `.stream_request_body` decorator and the new `.RequestHandler.data_received` method. * `.RequestHandler.flush` now returns a `.Future` if no callback is given. * New exception `.Finish` may be raised to finish a request without triggering error handling. * When gzip support is enabled, all ``text/*`` mime types will be compressed, not just those on a whitelist. * `.Application` now implements the `.HTTPMessageDelegate` interface. * ``HEAD`` requests in `.StaticFileHandler` no longer read the entire file. * `.StaticFileHandler` now streams response bodies to the client. * New setting ``compress_response`` replaces the existing ``gzip`` setting; both names are accepted. * XSRF cookies that were not generated by this module (i.e. strings without any particular formatting) are once again accepted (as long as the cookie and body/header match). This pattern was common for testing and non-browser clients but was broken by the changes in Tornado 3.2.2. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * WebSocket connections from other origin sites are now rejected by default. Browsers do not use the same-origin policy for WebSocket connections as they do for most other browser-initiated communications. This can be surprising and a security risk, so we disallow these connections on the server side by default. To accept cross-origin websocket connections, override the new method `.WebSocketHandler.check_origin`. * `.WebSocketHandler.close` and `.WebSocketClientConnection.close` now support ``code`` and ``reason`` arguments to send a status code and message to the other side of the connection when closing. Both classes also have ``close_code`` and ``close_reason`` attributes to receive these values when the other side closes. * The C speedup module now builds correctly with MSVC, and can support messages larger than 2GB on 64-bit systems. * The fallback mechanism for detecting a missing C compiler now works correctly on Mac OS X. * Arguments to `.WebSocketHandler.open` are now decoded in the same way as arguments to `.RequestHandler.get` and similar methods. * It is now allowed to override ``prepare`` in a `.WebSocketHandler`, and this method may generate HTTP responses (error pages) in the usual way. The HTTP response methods are still not allowed once the WebSocket handshake has completed. `tornado.wsgi` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New class `.WSGIAdapter` supports running a Tornado `.Application` on a WSGI server in a way that is more compatible with Tornado's non-WSGI `.HTTPServer`. `.WSGIApplication` is deprecated in favor of using `.WSGIAdapter` with a regular `.Application`. * `.WSGIAdapter` now supports gzipped output.