Caveat emptor: Protean is likely to undergo significant changes and should not be considered stable.
A library for managing state and side-effects with event-driven statecharts.
Protean was initially inspired by XState, a robust JavaScript/TypeScript statechart implementation, but strays to adhere to Elixir and OTP conventions. We also follow much of the SCXML W3C Standard's recommendations, but compatibility is not a goal.
What are statecharts? They are an extension to finite state machines that allow you to model complex behavior in a declarative, data-driven manner. They include nested and parallel states, enhanced/augmented state (through assigns), side-effects (through actions), process management (through spawn), and more. To learn more about statecharts, I recommend
This project is currently an exploration of statecharts as they fit into the assigns of Elixir and OTP. XState adopted the actor model in its implementation, so Elixir seemed like a natural fit. However, it may be that Elixir/OTP makes these abstractions unnecessary.
This simple statechart has a single state that defines the behavior of a counter with an optional maximum and minimum.
defmodule Counter do
use Protean
alias Protean.Action
@machine [
initial: :active,
assigns: [
count: 0,
min: nil,
max: nil
states: [
on: [
match("Inc", actions: :increment, guard: [not: :at_max]),
match("Dec", actions: :decrement, guard: [not: :at_min]),
match({"Set", _}, actions: :set_min_or_max),
match({"Log", _}, actions: :log)
@impl true
def handle_action(:increment, context, _event) do
|> Action.assign_in([:count], & &1 + 1)
def handle_action(:decrement, context, _event) do
|> Action.assign_in([:count], & &1 - 1)
def handle_action(:set_min_or_max, context, {"Set", {key, val}}) do
|> Action.assign(key, val)
def handle_action(:log, context, {"Log", attribute}) do
%{assigns: assigns} = context
IO.puts("#{attribute}: #{assigns[attribute]}")
@impl true
def guard(:at_max, %{assigns: %{max: max, count: count}}, _event) do
max && count >= max
def guard(:at_min, %{assigns: %{min: min, count: count}}, _event) do
min && count <= min
It can be started under a supervisor, but we'll start it directly using Protean's built-in DynamicSupervisor
{:ok, pid} = Protean.start_machine(Counter)
# %{count: 0, min: nil, max: nil}
Protean.send(pid, "Inc")
# :ok
Enum.each(1..4, fn _ -> Protean.send(pid, "Inc") end)
# %{count: 5, min: nil, max: nil}, {"Set", {:max, 10}})
# %Protean.Context{
# assigns: %{count: 5, max: 10, min: nil},
# event: {"Set", {:max, 10}},
# value:[["active", "#"]])
# }
Enum.each(1..20, fn _ -> Protean.send(pid, "Inc") end)
Protean.send(pid, {"Log", :count})
# count: 10
Protean machines are event-driven statecharts, which means that, unlike ordinary finite-state machines, they can have complex, nested, potentially parallel states. This is more easily visualized than read, and I highly recommend looking at XContext's introduction to state machines and statecharts for that reason.
Refer to Protean.Builder
for documentation on machine definitions.
When use Protean
is invoked, functions and macros from Protean.Builder
are imported automatically.
By default, Protean assumes that your machine is defined on the @machine
defmodule MyMachine do
use Protean
@machine [
initial: :my_initial_state,
states: [
# ...
# ...
Since state machines typically model structured interactions with a defined beginning and end, they will generally be started under a DynamicSupervisor
Protean starts one (as well as a Registry
) by default, in order to manage subprocesses that are started during machine execution through the use of Protean.Builder.proc/2
et al.
Machines can be started under this supervisor using Protean.start_machine/2
{:ok, machine} = Protean.start_machine(MyMachine)
Similar to GenServer
, calling use Protean
will also define a child_spec/1
that allows you to start a machine in a standard supervision tree, if you wish:
children = [
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
Under the hood, a Protean machine is a GenServer
, and Protean
exposes a similar set of functions for interacting with one.
You can see the individual docs for the functions in this module for details on their behavior, but here are some highlights.
- Send an event synchronously to a Protean machine and receive the machine context and any replies resulting from transition.send/2
- Send an event asynchronously to a Protean machine. Always returns:ok
- Send an event to a Protean machine after a given delay. LikeProcess.send_after/4
, returns a timer reference so that the send can be canceled withProcess.cancel_timer/2
- Get the current machine context of a running Protean machine.matches?/2
- Query the currently active state(s) of a machine.subscribe/2
) - Subscribes the calling process to receive a message on every state transition.
You can subscribe to a Protean machine to receive messages when the machine transitions.
This functionality depends on the optional dependency :phoenix_pubsub
To use it, add the following to deps
in your mix.exs
defp deps do
# ...
If you are already starting a Phoenix.PubSub
in your application (e.g. a Phoenix application), you need to configure the :protean
application to use your process instead of starting its own.
This can be done by adding the following to your config.exs
config :protean, :pubsub,
name: MyApp.PubSub,
start: false
For subscription usage, see subscribe/2
Documentation can be found on hexdocs. Things are changing pretty regularly, however, and some documentation is certainly out-of-sync.
def deps do
{:protean, "~> 0.1.0"}