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color map vis based on agent version
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PWhiddy committed May 4, 2023
1 parent df64e86 commit d8cb379
Showing 1 changed file with 230 additions and 0 deletions.
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from colorcet.plotting import swatch, swatches
import holoviews as hv
from import get_cmap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
from einops import rearrange
import requests
from multiprocessing import Pool
import io
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
import mediapy as media
import numpy as np

def make_all_coords_arrays(filtered_dfs):
return np.array([tdf[['x', 'y', 'map']].to_numpy().astype(np.uint8) for tdf in filtered_dfs]).transpose(1,0,2)

def load_tex(name):
resp = requests.get(sprites[name])
return np.array(

def get_sprite_by_coords(img, x, y):
sy = 34+17*y
sx = 9 +17*x
alpha_v = np.array([255, 127, 39, 255], dtype=np.uint8)
sprite = img[sy:sy+16, sx:sx+16]
return np.where((sprite == alpha_v).all(axis=2).reshape(16,16,1), np.array([[[0,0,0,0]]]), sprite).astype(np.uint8)

def game_coord_to_pixel_coord(
x, y, map_idx, base_y):

global_offset = np.array([1056-16*12, 331]) #np.array([790, -29])
map_offsets = {
0: np.array([0,0]), # pallet town
1: np.array([-10, 72]), # viridian
2: np.array([-10, 180]), # pewter
12: np.array([0, 36]), # route 1
13: np.array([0, 144]), # route 2
14: np.array([30, 172]), # Route 3
15: np.array([80, 190]), #Route 4
33: np.array([-50, 64]), # route 22
37: np.array([-9, 2]), # red house first
38: np.array([-9, 25-32]), # red house second
39: np.array([9+12, 2]), # blues house
40: np.array([25-4, -6]), # oaks lab
41: np.array([30, 47]), # Pokémon Center (Viridian City)
42: np.array([30, 55]), # Poké Mart (Viridian City)
43: np.array([30, 72]), # School (Viridian City)
44: np.array([30, 64]), # House 1 (Viridian City)
47: np.array([21,136]), # Gate (Viridian City/Pewter City) (Route 2)
49: np.array([21,108]), # Gate (Route 2)
50: np.array([21,108]), # Gate (Route 2/Viridian Forest) (Route 2)
51: np.array([-35, 137]), # viridian forest
52: np.array([-10, 189]), # Pewter Museum (floor 1)
53: np.array([-10, 198]), # Pewter Museum (floor 2)
54: np.array([-21, 169]), #Pokémon Gym (Pewter City)
55: np.array([-19, 177]), #House with disobedient Nidoran♂ (Pewter City)
56: np.array([-30, 163]), #Poké Mart (Pewter City)
57: np.array([-19, 177]), #House with two Trainers (Pewter City)
58: np.array([-25, 154]), # Pokémon Center (Pewter City)
59: np.array([83, 227]), # Mt. Moon (Route 3 entrance)
60: np.array([123, 227]), # Mt. Moon
61: np.array([152, 227]), # Mt. Moon
68: np.array([65, 190]), # Pokémon Center (Route 4)
193: None # Badges check gate (Route 22)
if map_idx in map_offsets.keys():
offset = map_offsets[map_idx]
offset = np.array([0,0])
x, y = 0, 0
coord = global_offset + 16*(offset + np.array([x,y]))
coord[1] = base_y - coord[1]
return coord

def add_sprite(overlay_map, sprite, coord):
raw_base = (overlay_map[coord[1]:coord[1]+16, coord[0]:coord[0]+16, :])
intermediate = raw_base
mask = sprite[:, :, 3] != 0
if (mask.shape != intermediate[:,:,0].shape):
#print(f'requested coords: {coord[1]}-{coord[1]+16}, {coord[0]}-{coord[0]+16}')
#print(f'overlay_map.shape {overlay_map.shape}')
#print(f'mask.shape {mask.shape} intermediate[:,:,0].shape {intermediate[:,:,0].shape}')
#print(f'x {x} y {y} map {map_idx}')
return {'coords': coord}
intermediate[mask] = sprite[mask]
overlay_map[coord[1]:coord[1]+16, coord[0]:coord[0]+16, :] = intermediate

def blend_overlay(background, over):
al = over[...,3].reshape(over.shape[0], over.shape[1], 1)
ba = (255-al)/255
oa = al/255
return (background[..., :3]*ba + over[..., :3]*oa).astype(np.uint8)

def split(img):
return img

def render_video(fname, all_coords, walks, bg, inter_steps=4, add_start=True):
debug = False
errors = []
sprites_rendered = 0
turbo_map = get_cmap("cet_isoluminant_cgo_80_c38")._resample(8) #mpl.colormaps['turbo']._resample(8)
with media.VideoWriter(
f'{fname}.mov', split(bg).shape[:2], codec='prores_ks',
encoded_format='yuva444p', input_format='rgba', fps=60
) as wr:
step_count = len(all_coords)
state = [{'dir': 0, 'map': 40} for _ in all_coords[0]]
pbar = tqdm(range(0, step_count))
for idx in pbar:
step = all_coords[idx]
if idx > 0:
prev_step = all_coords[idx-1]
elif add_start:
prev_step = np.tile(np.array([5, 3, 40]), (all_coords.shape[1], 1))
prev_step = all_coords[idx]
if debug:
print('-- step --')
for fract in np.arange(0,1,1/inter_steps):
over = np.zeros_like(bg, dtype=np.uint8)
for run in range(len(step)):
cur = step[run]
prev = prev_step[run]
# cast to regular int from uint8
cx, cy, px, py = map(int, [cur[0], cur[1], prev[0], prev[1]])
dx = cx - px
dy = cy - py
total_delta = abs(dx) + abs(dy)
if total_delta > 1:
state[run]['map'] = cur[2]
dx = min(max(dx, -1), 1)
dy = -1*min(max(dy, -1), 1)
if debug:
print(f'x: {cx} y: {cy} dx: {dx} dy: {dy}')
# only change direction if not moving between maps
if cur[2] == prev[2]:
if dx > 0:
state[run]['dir'] = 3
elif dx < 0:
state[run]['dir'] = 2
elif dy > 0:
state[run]['dir'] = 1
elif dy < 0:
state[run]['dir'] = 0

p_coord = game_coord_to_pixel_coord(
cx, -cy, state[run]['map'], over.shape[0]
prev_p_coord = game_coord_to_pixel_coord(
px, -py, prev[2], over.shape[0]
diff = p_coord - prev_p_coord
interp_coord = prev_p_coord + (fract*(diff.astype(np.float32))).astype(np.int32)
if np.linalg.norm(diff) > 16:
agent_version_float = (run // 44) / 610
error = add_sprite(
over, np.array(turbo_map(agent_version_float)) * walks[state[run]['dir']],
if error is not None:
sprites_rendered += 1
perc = len(errors) / (sprites_rendered + len(errors))
pbar.set_description(f"draws: {sprites_rendered} errors: {len(errors)}, {perc:.2%}")
return errors

def test_render(name, dat, walks, bg):
print(f'processing chunk with shape {dat.shape}')
return render_video(
bg, inter_steps=8

if __name__ == '__main__':

run_dir = Path('baselines/session_4da05e87_main_full') # Path('baselines/session_ebdfe818')
# original session_e41c9eff, main session_4da05e87, extra session_e1b6d2dc

coords_save_pth = Path('base_coords.npz')

if coords_save_pth.is_file():
print(f'{coords_save_pth} found, loading from file')
base_coords = np.load(coords_save_pth)['arr_0']
print(f'{coords_save_pth} not found, building...')
dfs = []
for run in tqdm(run_dir.glob('*.gz')):
tdf = pd.read_csv(run, compression='gzip')
dfs.append(tdf[tdf['map'] != 'map'])

base_coords = make_all_coords_arrays(dfs)
print(f'saving {coords_save_pth}')
np.savez_compressed(coords_save_pth, base_coords)

print(f'initial data shape: {base_coords.shape}')

main_map = np.array('poke_map/pokemap_full_calibrated_CROPPED_1.png'))
chars_img = np.array('poke_map/characters.png'))
alpha_val = get_sprite_by_coords(chars_img, 1, 0)[0,0]
walks = [get_sprite_by_coords(chars_img, x, 0) for x in [1, 4, 6, 8]]

start_bg = main_map.copy()

procs = 16
with Pool(procs) as p:
run_steps = 16385
base_data = rearrange(base_coords, '(v s) r c -> s (v r) c', v=base_coords.shape[0]//run_steps)
#base_data = rearrange(base_coords, '(v s) r c -> s v r c', v=base_coords.shape[0]//run_steps)
print(f'base_data shape: {base_data.shape}')
runs = base_data.shape[0] #base_data.shape[1]
#chunk_size = runs // procs
render_errors = test_render(
f'map_vis_final_state', base_data[(base_data.shape[0]-5):], walks, start_bg)
#all_render_errors = p.starmap(
# test_render,
# #[(f'test_run_p{i}', base_data[:, chunk_size*i:chunk_size*(i+1)], walks, start_bg) for i in range(procs)])
# [(f'vids_run1/test_run_p{i}', base_data[chunk_size*i:chunk_size*(i+1)+5], walks, start_bg) for i in range(procs)])

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