As i am working on this project again from ground up to make it more stable and optimized and new project will use new structure for the projects and resource generations.And new project will also use the laravel 10 as the backbone.
The update will be available with the new name as RapidCMS
. Which will be completely different project and this project will be abandoned.
AdminR is a simple admin panel built on top of Laravel Framework to help developers create laravel backend and APIs with ease so they can more focus on creating actual web app or any client side apps.
AdminR help to reduce approx 90% of the work for developers which they do to build a backend or admin panel and the APIs for their apps.
- No issue known.
- Please report issues in issue tab if found any issue
option for resource generation (onSQL
level).- DataTable option for every resource
- You will have an option to select whether to use datatable or native table.
- Import export options on resources.
- Search option for resources.
- Many more features.
If you found this package helpful you can show support by clicking on the following button below and donating some amount to help me work on these projects frequently.
Install the project
composer create-project thedevsbuddy/adminr <your-app-name>
Generate app key
php artisan key:generate
Setup / update database connection
Migrate database and seed demo data
php artisan migrate --seed
Link storage folder
php artisan storage:link
By default, you will get 3
users and role
Super admin (super.admin)
email: [email protected]
pwd: password
Admin (admin)
email: [email protected]
pwd: password
User (user)
email: [email protected]
pwd: password
That's it your project setup is completed.
Happy coding.
For the admin panel UI we have used coreui which is an awesome admin template out there.
If you discover a security vulnerability within AdminR, please send an e-mail to Devsbuddy via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The AdminR is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.