pycon2012-cassandra Public
Slides for my presentation on Cassandra for pylon 2012
django-and-mongodb-on-dotcloud Public
Forked from jpetazzo/django-and-mongodb-on-dotcloudDjango on DotCloud tutorial, using MongoDB to store objects!
git-achievements Public
Forked from lennart/git-achievementsAquire achievements while using git.
jzmq Public
Forked from zeromq/jzmqJava binding for 0MQ
pykka Public
Forked from jodal/pykkaPykka is easy to use concurrency for Python using the actor model
libcassandra Public
Forked from matkor/libcassandraA high level C++ and C client for Cassandra
protobuf Public
Forked from merlimat/protobufProtocol Buffer mirror of the official svn repository
pyActiveMQ Public
Forked from tabish121/pyActiveMQPython Bindings for the ActiveMQ-CPP library
emacs-starter-kit Public
Forked from technomancy/emacs-starter-kitBecause the Emacs defaults are not so great sometimes.
color-theme-almost-monokai Public
Forked from nrr-deprecated/color-theme-almost-monokaiA beautiful, fruity and calm Emacs color theme
cassandra Public
Forked from apache/cassandraMirror of Apache Cassandra (incubating)
jmx2munin Public
Forked from tcurdt/jmx2muninExport JMX information to Munin
iErl14 Public
Forked from couchbaselabs/iErl14Project to build static lib for iOS containing Erlang VM BEAM, CouchDB drivers, emonk interface to spidermonkey