A curated list of awesome NVIDIA Issac Gym frameworks, papers, software, and resources
This repository shares the code to replicate result from the paper Synthesizing Diverse and Physically Stable Grasps with Arbitrary HandStructures using Differentiable Force Closure Estimation
The paper list of the 86-page paper "The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents: A Survey" by Zhiheng Xi et al.
[AAAI 2025] DreamPhysics: Learning Physical Properties of Dynamic 3D Gaussians from Video Diffusion Priors
"Deep Generative Modeling": Introductory Examples
SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
[ICCV 2023 Oral] Official Implementation of "Denoising Diffusion Autoencoders are Unified Self-supervised Learners"
Summary of key papers and blogs about diffusion models to learn about the topic. Detailed list of all published diffusion robotics papers.
Official Implementation of the ICCV 2023 paper: Perpetual Humanoid Control for Real-time Simulated Avatars
Data for paper "Learning Playing Piano with Bionic-Constrained Diffusion Policy for Anthropomorphic Hand"
Author's PyTorch implementation of TD3+BC, a simple variant of TD3 for offline RL
[JIRS 2024] A Fast and Reliable Hand-eye Calibration Method Based On 3D Vision
Robot Utility Models are trained on a diverse set of environments and objects, and then can be deployed in novel environments with novel objects without any further data or training.
Imitation learning algorithms with Co-training for Mobile ALOHA: ACT, Diffusion Policy, VINN
Self-Supervised Geometric Correspondence for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild, ICLR 2023
ManipNet: Neural Manipulation Synthesis with a Hand-Object Spatial Representation - SIGGRAPH 2021
[ICLR 2023] DexDeform: Dexterous Deformable Object Manipulation with Human Demonstrations and Differentiable Physics
Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination, implemented in PyTorch.
Official implementation of the SIGGRAPH 2024 paper "A Hierarchical 3D Gaussian Representation for Real-Time Rendering of Very Large Datasets"
A comprehensive list of Implicit Representations and NeRF papers relating to Robotics/RL domain, including papers, codes, and related websites
Mujoco Control Suite for Bimanual Manipulation
My implementation of Graspnet Graspness.